29.6 C
New York
Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Worst Surfaces for a Dramatic Pre-Intercourse Desk Sweep

  • Your workstation (you’re a blacksmith)
  • Your laboratory (you’re a chemist whose analysis makes a speciality of acid)
  • A to-scale Lego diorama of your complete Chicago skyline that you simply simply completed
  • Your grandmother’s open casket
  • A working belt sander
  • The second to-scale Lego diorama you’ve got constructed within the final two weeks of your complete Chicago skyline
  • The standing desk that you simply’re going to attempt to elevate her onto, however will fail and it’s going to be embarrassing and that’ll be the way you each know the spark has formally died
  • The stage of your nephew’s Fifth-grade expertise present the place he’s making an attempt to tie the cup stacking world file
  • The Resolute desk within the Oval Workplace (you’re not the president and the Secret Service will probably be there any second)
  • The Resolute desk within the Oval Workplace (you’re the president however that’s not your spouse, Mr. Clinton)
  • The desk of your Fifth-grade nephew’s dean throughout a gathering discussing “the expertise present incident”
  • A mattress of just one nail
  • The rostrum the place you’re being cross-examined throughout the listening to in your “indecent publicity” at your nephew’s Fifth-grade expertise present
  • The third to-scale Lego diorama you’ve got constructed within the final two weeks of your complete Chicago skyline that’s now lacking just a few items
  • A very cool domino course you arrange

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