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Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Ashtanga Hridayam Nidanasthanam Chapter 14:  Kushtha Shvitra Krimi Nidanam Adhyaya (Analysis of pores and skin illnesses, leucoderma and worms)

The 14th chapter of Nidanasthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is called as Kushtha-Shvitra-Krimi Nidanam Adhyayah. This chapter offers with the reason of ‘analysis of pores and skin illnesses, leucoderma and worms’.

The subjects coated on this chapter embrace –

–       Kushtha Nidana – causes of pores and skin illnesses
–       Impact of Kushtha
–       Kushtha Bheda – sorts
–       Kushtha Purvarupa – premonitory signs
–       Kapala Kushtha
–       Udumbara Kushtha
–       Mandala Kushtha
–       Vicharkika Kushtha
–       Rishyajihva Kushtha
–       Charma, Ekakhya, Kitibha, Sidhma, Alasaka, Vipadika Kushtha
–       Dadru Kushtha
–       Shataru Kushtha
–       Pundarika, Visphota, Pama, Carmadala, Kakana Kushtha
–       Figuring out doshas in Kushtha
–       Dhatugata Kushta – pores and skin illnesses positioned in varied tissues
–       Shvitra Nidanam – analysis of leucoderma
–       Shvitra sorts in keeping with predominant dosha, their signs
–       Shvitra sadhyasadhyata – prognosis of leucoderma
–       Shvitra sorts in keeping with predominant dosha, their signs
–       Krimi – worm infestation, analysis of parasites
–       Bahya Krimi – exterior worms / parasites
–       Abhyantara Krimi – inner worms / parasites
–       Kaphaja Krimi
–       Raktaja Krimi
–       Purisaja Krimi

Pledge by the creator(s)

अथात: कुष्ठश्वित्रकृमिनिदानं व्याख्यास्याम ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having supplied prayers to the God, henceforth we’re going to clarify the chapter pertaining to the reason of ‘analysis of pores and skin illnesses, leucoderma and worms’. Thus say (pledge) atreya and different sages.

Kushtha Nidana: Causative components

मिथ्याहारविहारेण विशेषेण विरोधिना ।
साधुनिन्दावधान्यस्वहरणाद्यैश्च सेवितैः ॥ १ ॥
पाप्मभिः कर्मभिः सद्यः प्राक्तनैर्वेरिता मलाः ।
सिराः प्रपद्य तिर्यग्गास्त्वग्लसीकासृगामिषम् ॥ २ ॥
दूषयन्ति श्लथीकृत्य निश्चरन्तस्ततो बहिः ।
त्वचः कुर्वन्ति वैवर्ण्यं दुष्टाः कुष्ठमुशन्ति तत् ॥ ३ ॥
The malas- doshas getting aggravated by unsuitable meals and actions, particularly by meals that are incompatible, by sinful acts of the current life resembling scolding / defaming or killing the pious- ascetics, elders, preceptors and so forth. robbing the properties of others and so forth. or sinful act of the earlier lives; Doshas invade the widespread physique channels inside, vitiate the pores and skin, lasika- lymph, blood and muscular tissues Doshas make them flabby- free, and spreads outwards trigger discoloration of the pores and skin; this illness is known as Kushtha

Observe: ’Kushtha’, normally means pores and skin illnesses.

Impact of Kushtha

कालेनोपेक्षितं यस्मात्सर्व कृष्णाति तद्वपुः ।
प्रपद्य धातून्व्याप्यान्तः सर्वान् संक्लेद्य चावहेत् ॥४॥
सस्वेदक्लेदेसङ्कोथान् कुमीन् सुक्ष्मान् सुदारुणान् ।
लोमत्वक्स्नायुधमनीतरुणास्थीनि यैः क्रमात् ॥५॥
भक्षयेच्छ्वित्रमस्माच्च कुष्टबाह्यमुदाहृतम् ।
Allowed the lapse of time, uncared for for a very long time, it makes your entire physique look ugly by spreading to all of the tissues, spreading contained in the physique, inflicting extreme moistness inside them, resulting in move of sweat and exudations, putrefaction, formation of minute- invisible microbes / worms – bacilli, micro organism, virus and so forth. that are very troublesome; these microbes, eat away the hairs, pores and skin, tendons, arteries, veins and cartilages one after the opposite. Due to this, shvitra- leucoderma is described as a unique than Kushtha.

Notes: Although shvitra- leucoderma additionally causes discoloration of the pores and skin, it doesn’t contain different tissues nor produce exudation, putrefaction, look of micro organism, mutilation of the half affected and so forth. therefore it’s a totally different illness altogether, non- contagious and non-mutilating.

Kushtha Bheda: Sorts

कुष्ठानि सप्तधा दोषैः पृथङ्मिश्रैः समागतैः ॥ ६ ॥
सर्वेष्वपि त्रिदोषेषु व्यपदेशोऽधिकत्वतः ।
वातेन कुष्ठं कापालं पित्तादौदुम्बरं कफात् ॥ ७ ॥
मण्डलाख्यं विचर्ची च ऋक्षाख्यं वातपित्तजम् ।
चर्मैककुष्ठकिटिभसिध्मालसविपादिकाः ॥ ८ ॥
वातश्लेष्मोद्भवाः श्लेष्मपित्ताद्दद्रूशतारुषी ।
पुण्डरीकं सविस्फोटं पामा चर्मदलं तथा ॥ ९ ॥
सर्वैः स्यात् काकणं पूर्वं त्रिकं दद्रु सकाकणम् ।
पुण्डरीकर्क्षजिह्वे च महाकुष्ठानि सप्त तु ॥ १० ॥
Kushtha is of seven sorts. 3 sorts, by every dosha individually, by the mixture of any two and by all of them collectively. Although all sorts are attributable to the mixture of all three doshas, their classification as above is on the premise of predominance. From the predominance of vata, Kapala Kushta is prompted; from pitta, arises audumbara; from kapha come up mandala and vicharchika; from vatapitta arises rishyajihva; from vata and Kapha Doshas, carma, ekaKushtha, kitibha, sidhma, alasa and Vipadika kinds of pores and skin illnesses are shaped. On account of Kapha and Pitta Dosha, dadru, shataru, pundarika, visphota, pama and carmadala pores and skin illnesses are prompted from all doshas collectively, kakana pores and skin illness is shaped. Of those, the primary three- kapala, udumbara, mandala, dadru, kakana, pundarika and Rishyajihva these seven are mahaKushthas – pores and skin illnesses of better significance.

Purvarupa: Premonitory signs

अतिश्लक्ष्णखरस्पर्शखेदास्वेदविवर्णताः ।
दाहः कण्डूस्त्वचि स्वापस्तोदः कोठोन्नतिः श्रमः ॥ ११ ॥
व्रणानामधिकं शूलं शीघ्रोत्पत्तिश्चिरस्थितिः ।
रूढानामपि रूक्षत्वं निमित्तेऽल्पेऽपि कोपनम् ॥ १२ ॥
रोमहर्षोऽसृजः कार्ष्ण्य कुष्ठलक्षणमग्रजम् ।
The pores and skin could be very clean, exhausting to the touch, with or with out sweating, discoloration, burning sensation, itching, lack of tactile sensation- numbness, pricking ache, elevated raised patches of pores and skin, fatigue, extreme ache within the wounds, which come up shortly and keep lengthy, roughness of wounds, even in these wounds which have healed, the injuries get exacerbated- flare up even with trivial causes, horripilation, black coloration of the blood are the premonitory signs of Kushtha.

Kapala Kushtha

कृष्णारुणकपालाभं रूक्षं सुप्तं खरं तनु ॥ १३ ॥
विस्तृतासमपर्यन्तं हृषितैर्लोमभिश्चितम् ।
तोदाढ्यमल्पकण्डूकं कापालं शीघ्रसर्पि च ॥ १४ ॥
Pores and skin patches that are blackish crimson, resembling potsherds, dry, lacks sensation, tough, skinny, vast, of uneven edges, studded with extra hairs, having horripilation, with extreme puncturing ache, much less of itching, and spreading shortly are the options of Kapala Kushtha.

Udumbara Kushtha

पक्वोदुम्बरताम्रत्वग्रोम गौरसिराचितम् ।
बहलं बहलक्लेदरक्तं दाहरुजाधिकम् ॥ १५ ॥
आशूत्थानावदरणकृमि विद्यादुदुम्बरम् ।
Pores and skin patches resembling ripe fruit of udumbara, – dusky crimson with coppery-red pores and skin, hairs studded with white coloured veins, thick, exuding giant portions of moisture and blood, with extreme burning sensation and extreme ache, fast in manifestation, putrefaction and look of microbes, worms point out Udumbara Kushtha.

Mandala Kushtha

स्थिरं स्त्यानं गुरु स्निग्धं श्वेतरक्तमनाशुगम् ॥ १६ ॥
अन्योऽन्यसक्तमुत्सन्नं बहुकण्डूस्रुतिक्रिमि ।
श्लक्ष्णपीताभपर्यन्तं मण्डलं परिमण्डलम् ॥ १७ ॥
Pores and skin patches static, exhausting, heavy, unctuous, whitish-red, not creating shortly, joined with each other, raised, elevated, with extreme itching, exudation and worms- micro organism/ bacilli; clean, yellowish edges and round are the options of Mandala Kushtha.

Vicharchika Kushtha

सकण्डूपिटिका श्यावा लसीकाढ्या विचर्चिका ।
Vicharchika has eruptions related to itching, black, gray and stuffed with lymph, secretion

Rishyajihva Kushtha

परुषं तनु रक्तान्तमन्तःश्यावं समुन्नतम् ॥ १८ ॥
सतोददाहरुक्क्लेदं कर्कशैः पिटिकैश्चितम् ।
ऋक्षजिह्वाकृति प्रोक्तमृक्षजिह्वं बहुक्रिमि ॥ १९ ॥
Pores and skin patches are tough, skinny, with crimson coloured edges and black within the heart, enormously raised, with pricking ache , burning sensation, fixed ache and exudation, studded with rough- exhausting eruptions, resembling the tongue of the black deer, and having quite a few worms / microbes, are the options of Rishyajihva Kushtha.

Charma, Ekakhya, Kitibha, Sidhma, Alasaka, Vipadika Kushtha

हस्तिचर्मखरस्पर्शं चर्मैकाख्यं महाश्रयम् ।
अस्वेदं मत्स्यशकलसन्निभं किटिभं पुनः ॥ २० ॥
रूक्षं किणखरस्पर्शं कण्डूमत् परुषासितम् ।
सिध्मं रूक्षं बहिः स्निग्धमन्तर्घृष्टं रजः किरेत् ॥ २१ ॥
श्लक्ष्णस्पर्शं तनु श्वेतताम्रं दौग्धिकपुष्पवत् ।
प्रायेण चोर्ध्वकाये स्याद्गण्डैः कण्डूयुतैश्चितम् ॥ २२ ॥
रक्तैरलसकं पाणिपाददार्यो विपादिकाः ।
तीव्रार्त्यो मन्दकण्ड्वश्च सरागपिटिकाचिताः ॥ २३ ॥
Pores and skin resembling that of the elephant and tough to the touch is Charmakhya Kushtha. In Eka Kushtha the lesion could be very vast – covers a big space, non –sweating and resembles the pores and skin of the fish Kitibha Kushtha has dry pores and skin; tough and exhausting, creating sound on scratching, itching, exhausting and black.In Sidhma the patches –pores and skin is dry outdoors and moist inside, provides out small scales when scratched, clean to the touch, skinny, whitish coppery coloured resembling flower of dugdhika – Euphorbia hirta normally widespread within the higher components of the physique. Alasaka Kushtha is studded with small tumors; with itching and crimson in coloration. Vipadika Kushtha causes cracks/ fissures within the arms and toes, has extreme ache and gentle itching, studded with red-colored eruptions.

Dadru Kushtha

दीर्घप्रताना दूर्वावदतसीकुसुमच्छविः ।
उत्सन्नमण्डला दद्रूः कण्डूमत्यनुषङ्गिणी ॥ २४ ॥
Pores and skin patches lengthy and vast just like the blade of Durva – Cynodon dactylon grass, has the colour much like that of the flower of Atasi – Linum usitatissimum, raised, spherical patch with itching persisting for a very long time are the options of Dadru Kushtha.

Shataru Kushtha

स्थूलमूलं सदाहार्ति रक्तश्यावं बहुव्रणम् ।
शतारुः क्लेदजन्त्वाढ्यं प्रायशः पर्वजन्म च ॥ २५ ॥
Shataru Kushtha has a number of ulcers, that are deep seated, having burning sensation and ache, reddish-black in coloration, with extreme exudates and worms, generally occurring on joints.


रक्तान्तमन्तरा पाण्डु कण्डूदाहरुजान्वितम् ।
सोत्सेधमाचितं रक्तैः पद्मपत्त्रमिवांशुभिः ॥ २६ ॥
घनभूरिलसीकासृक्प्रायमाशु विभेदि च ।
Pores and skin patches with crimson edges and white inside, with itching, burning sensation and ache, raised, coated with reddish mud resembling the petal of lotus, exudes thick and copious secretions and possibly bloody, and splitting shortly are the options of Pundarika Kushtha.


तनुत्वग्भिश्चितं स्फोटैः सितारुणैः ॥ २७ ॥
विस्फोटं Visphota Kushtha has skinny pores and skin patchescovered with blackish crimson eruptions.


पिटिकाः पामा कण्डूक्लेदरुजाधिकाः ।
सूक्ष्माः श्यावारुणा बह्व्यः प्रायः स्फिक्पाणिकूर्परे ॥ २८ ॥
Pama Kushtha has eruptions which have extreme itching, extra exudates and ache, small in dimension, greyish crimson and huge in quantity generally seen on the buttocks, arms and elbows.


सस्फोटमस्पर्शसहं कण्डूषातोददाहवत् ।
रक्तं दलच्चर्मदलं
Charmadala Kushtha has blisters, lesions are painful to the touch, related to itching, warmth, pricking, and burning sensation, crimson in coloration and the pores and skin is cracked.

Kakana Kushtha

काकणं तीव्रदाहरुक् ॥ २९ ॥
पूर्वं रक्तं च कृष्णं च काकणन्तीफलोपमम् ।
कुष्ठलिङ्गैर्युतं सर्वैर्नैकवर्णं ततो भवेत् ॥ ३० ॥
Kakana Kushtha has extreme burning sensation and ache, crimson and black on the time of onset, resembling the seeds of Kakananti – Abrus precatorius, then step by step attaining all of the options of Kushtha lesions have many colours.

Figuring out doshas in Kushtha

दोषभेदीयविहितैरादिशेल्लिङ्गकर्मभिः ।
कुष्ठेषु दोषोल्बणतां In Kushtha, the popularity of the aggravation of the doshas,the signs and features arising then on, are the identical as have been described in doshabhediya (chapter 12 of sutrasthana).

Sadhya asadhyata: Prognosis

सर्वदोषोल्बणं त्यजेत् ॥ ३१ ॥
रिष्टोक्तं यच्च यच्चास्थिमज्जशुक्रसमाश्रयम् ।
याप्यं मेदोगतं कृच्छ्रं पित्तद्वन्द्वास्रमांसगम् ॥ ३२ ॥
अकृच्छ्रं कफवाताढ्यं त्वक्स्थमेकमलं च यत् ।
The pores and skin illnesses of beneath signs needs to be rejected – issue to treatment Kushtha which has been attributable to the aggravation of all of the doshas, which has been described in rista, chapter 5 of sarirasthana and that which has localised within the bone, bone marrow and semen. Pores and skin illnesses afflicting fats tissue is Yapya – requires therapy for lifetime, that attributable to pitta, together with another dosha and localised in blood and muscle is tough to treatment  Simple to treatment pores and skin illnesses are these having predominance of kapha and vata and localised within the pores and skin solely and related to just one Dosha.

Dhatugata Kushta: Positioned in varied tissues

तत्र त्वचि स्थिते कुष्ठे तोदवैवर्ण्यरूक्षताः ॥ ३३ ॥
स्वेदस्वापश्वयथवः शोणिते पिशिते पुनः ।
पाणिपादाश्रिताः स्फोटाः क्लेदः सन्धिषु चाधिकम् ॥ ३४ ॥
कौण्यं गतिक्षयोऽङ्गानां दलनं स्याच्च मेदसि ।
नासाभङ्गोऽस्थिमज्जस्थे नेत्ररागः स्वरक्षयः ॥ ३५ ॥
क्षते च कृमयः शुक्रे स्वदारापत्यबाधनम् ।
यथापूर्वं च सर्वाणि स्युर्लिङ्गान्यसृगादिषु ॥ ३६ ॥
Kusta localized within the pores and skin causes pricking ache, discoloration and dryness; pores and skin illnesses localized within the blood it causes- extreme sweating, lack of sensitization and swelling; in pores and skin illnesses localized within the muscular tissues it provides rise to eruptions / boils within the arms and toes, profuse exudation, seems specifically on the joints; localized in fats tissue, it causes shortening of the arm- by mutilation, lack of ability to stroll and splitting of the physique components; localized within the bones and morrow, the pores and skin illness produces mutilation of the nostril, redness of the eyes, lack of voice and look of worms within the wounds; localized within the semen- reproductive tissue, pores and skin illness it spreads to the spouse and kids. They- spouse and kids will develop all of the signs of Kushtha described to this point, attributable to vitiated blood and so forth. tissues. Thus ends the analysis of Kushtha.

Shvitra Nidanam: Analysis of leucoderma

कुष्ठैकसम्भवं श्वित्रं किलासं दारुणं च तत् ।
निर्दिष्टमपरिस्रावि त्रिधातूद्भवसंश्रयम् ॥ ३७ ॥
Shvitra – leucoderma also referred to as kilasa and daruna, is much like Kushtha Shvitra is non exudating, arises from the aggravation of the Doshas and three dhatus – Rakta, Mamsa and Medas.

Shvitra sorts and signs as per Dosha dominance  

वाताद्रूक्षारुणं पित्तात्ताम्रं कमलपत्रवत् ।
सदाहं रोमविध्वंसि कफाच्छ्वेतं घनं गुरु ॥ ३८ ॥
सकण्डु च क्रमाद्रक्तमांसमेदःसु चादिशेत् ।
वर्णेनैवेदृगुभयं कृच्छ्रं तच्चोत्तरोत्तरम् ॥ ३९ ॥
On account of predominance of vata, shvitra pores and skin patches are dry and aruna- gentle crimson; because of pitta, it’s of coppery crimson in coloration, resembling lotus petal, has burning sensation and destruction of physique hairs from kapha, the pores and skin is white, thick, heavy and has itching; these- three kinds of Shvitra are localized within the blood, muscle and fats tissue respectively. Shvitra related to respective Doshas and Dhatus, with respective colors every succeeding sort is tougher to treatment – than the earlier one.

The above assertion is defined by Arunadatta as follows; Vataja Shvitra is aruna- gentle crimson in coloration, localized within the rakthadhathu- blood and Krichra- tough or treatment; pittajashvitra is Tamra Bhasma – Bhasma (calx) of Copper- copper like or lotus petal like in coloration, localized in Mamsadhatu- muscle and Krichratara- tougher to treatment; Kaphaja Shvitra is Sveta- white localized in medas Dhatu- fats and Krichratama- most tough to treatment.

Shvitra sadhya asadhyata: Prognosis of leucoderma

अशुक्लरोमाबहलमसंसृष्टं मिथो नवम् ।
अनग्निदग्धजं साध्यं श्वित्रं वर्ज्यमतोऽन्यथा ॥ ४० ॥
गुह्यपाणितलौष्ठेषु जातमप्यचिरन्तनम् ।
Shvitra- Leucoderma having black hairs, patches not thick, not joined collectively, of latest origin and that not attributable to burning by hearth are curable; whereas Shvitra with different options is value rejecting, so additionally that arising on the genitals, palms, soles, and lips, despite the fact that not lengthy standing.

Spreading nature of pores and skin and eye illnesses

स्पर्शैकाहारशय्यादिसेवनात् प्रायशो गदाः ॥ ४१ ॥
सर्वे सञ्चारिणो नेत्रत्वग्विकारा विशेषतः ।
Typically all illnesses unfold from individual to individual by contact, utilizing the identical meals being consumed by a affected person, use of similar vessels, utensils and so forth. mattress and so forth. garments, garlands and another article utilized by the affected person; particularly in those that are indulged in lot of travelling, the illnesses of the eyes and pores and skin primarily manifest by this technique. Thus ends the analysis of shvitra- Leucoderma.

Krimi Bheda: Sorts of worms

कृमयस्तु द्विधा प्रोक्ता बाह्याभ्यन्तरभेदतः ॥ ४२ ॥
बहिर्मलकफासृग्विड्जन्मभेदाच्चतुर्विधाः ।
नामतो विंशतिविधा
Krimi – worms, parasites are of two sorts viz Bahya –exterior and Abhyantra- inner and of 4 sorts on the premise of their origin viz Bahirmala – originating from exterior wastes-sweat, from kapha, blood and faeces and twenty sorts, recognized by their names.

Bahya Krimi: Exterior worms / parasites

बाह्यास्तत्रामृजोद्भवाः ॥ ४३ ॥
तिलप्रमाणसंस्थानवर्णाः केशाम्बराश्रयाः ।
बहुपादाश्च सूक्ष्माश्च यूका लिक्षाश्च नामतः ॥ ४४ ॥
द्विधा ते कोठपिटिकाकण्डूगण्डान् प्रकुर्वते ।
The exterior come up from non-cleanliness, resemble tila-seed of sesame in dimension, form, and coloration, dwell within the hairs and garments, have many legs, minute in dimension; are of two sorts, particularly Yuka and liksa; they produce rashes, eruptions, itching and small tumors.

Notes: Yuka and likes are the 2 sorts of louse, the louse and physique louse, each present in individuals who’re unclean. Head louse in black resides on the root of the hairs of the top. Physique louse is white resides within the hairs of the axilla and pubis and take shelter contained in the flods of garments. Each unfold from individual to individual by direct migration or oblique migration although combs, gown and so forth. or by their eggs being carried by air or hairs.

Abhyantara Krimi: Inside worms / parasites

कुष्ठैकहेतवोऽन्तर्जाः श्लेष्मजास्तेषु चाधिकम् ॥ ४५ ॥
मधुरान्नगुडक्षीरदधिसक्तुनवौदनैः ।
शकृज्जा बहुविड्धान्यपर्णशाकोलकादिभिः ॥ ४६ ॥
These born inside, have the identical causes as these of Kushtha as well as, ingestion of candy meals, molasses, milk, curds- yoghurt, flour of grains and freshly harvested grains are particular for slesmaja- Kaphaja Krimi, these grains and leafy greens which produce extra feces and people pulses that are in inexperienced state are particular for Sakrit-ja- worms born from feces.

Kaphaja Krimi

कफादामाशये जाता वृद्धाः सर्पन्ति सर्वतः ।
पृथुब्रध्ननिभाः केचित् केचिद्गण्डूपदोपमाः ॥ ४७ ॥
रूढधान्याङ्कुराकारास्तनुदीर्घास्तथाणवः ।
श्वेतास्ताम्रावभासाश्च नामतः सप्तधा तु ते ॥ ४८ ॥
अन्त्रादा उदरावेष्टा हृदयादा महाकुहाः ।
कुरवो दर्भकुसुमाः सुगन्धास्ते च कुर्वते ॥ ४९ ॥
हृल्लासमास्यस्रवणमविपाकमरोचकम् ।
मूर्छाछर्दिज्वरानाहकार्श्यक्षवथुपीनसान् ॥ ५० ॥
These arising from Kapha, reside within the Amasaya-stomach, when elevated in numbers they transfer everywhere- contained in the alimentary tract some have large buttocks, some resemble earthworms, some others are just like the sprouts of germinating grains; are skinny, lengthy or minute, white or coppery in coloration; they’re seven species by title, viz antrada, Udaravesta, Hrdayada, Mahakuha, Kurava, Darbhakusuma and sugandha; they provide rise to Nausea, extreme salivation, indigestion, lack of style, fainting, vomiting, fever, flatulence, emaciation, extreme sneezing and nasal catarrh.

Raktaja Krimi

रक्तवाहिसिरोत्थाना रक्तजा जन्तवोऽणवः ।
अपादा वृत्तताम्राश्च सौक्ष्म्यात्केचिददर्शनाः ॥ ५१ ॥
केशादा रोमविध्वंसा रोमद्वीपा उदुम्बराः ।
षट् ते कुष्ठैककर्माणः सहसौरसमातरः ॥ ५२ ॥
These arising from blood reside within the blood vessels worms are minute, devoid of legs, spherical, copper coloured, some are invisible being very minute; Rakja Krimi are of six species by name- kesada, romavidhvama, lomadvipa, udumbara, Aurasa and Matara; these give rise to the identical signs as these Kushtha.

Purishaja Krimi

पक्वाशये पुरीषोत्था जायन्तेऽधोविसर्पिणः ।
वृद्धाः सन्तो भवेयुश्च ते यदामाशयोन्मुखाः ॥ ५३ ॥
तदास्योद्गारनिःश्वासा विड्गन्धानुविधायिनः ।
पृथुवृत्ततनुस्थूलाः श्यावपीतसितासिताः ॥ ५४ ॥
ते पञ्च नाम्ना कृमयः ककेरुकमकेरुकाः ।
सौसुरादाः सुलूनाख्या लेलिहा जनयन्ति च ॥ ५५ ॥ विड्भेदशूलविष्टम्भकार्श्यपारुष्यपाण्डुताः ।
रोमहर्षाग्निसदनगुदकण्डूर्विनिर्गमात् ॥ ५६ ॥ These arising from faeces take their origin in / reside within the pakvasaya- giant gut,normally transferring downwards; when elevated in quantity they journey up in the direction of the amasaya- abdomen and small gut, then produce scent of feces within the mouth, unhealthy scent upon belching and expiration; they’re thick, spherical, thin- thread like or thick, blue, yellow, white or black in coloration; and of 5 names kakeruka, makerukah, sausuradah, suluna and leliha; they provide rise to diarrhea, stomach ache, stasis of meals undigested for lengthy durations, emaciation, roughness of the pores and skin, anemia horripilation, weak spot of digestion and itching within the rectum- anus by popping out of it.

Notes: Point out of candy meals, and so forth. because the trigger is to emphasize that such meals trigger weak spot of digestive exercise which in flip helps the expansion of para websites contained in the alimentary canal. Kaphaja and purisajakrimi are intestinal parasites resembling spherical worms-ascaris lumbricoides hookworms worm-tenia solium, tenia saginata, many sorts of Amoeba –entamoeba parasites achieve entry into the human physique although contaminated water, articles correct cleansing and cooking. In individuals who’ve robust digestive energy, those that have poor digestive energy, the acid being weak and inadequate the ova and so forth. escape into the intestines, hatch there and make their residing, giving rise to many troubles to the particular person. Among the names of those parasites are primarily based on their bodily options and performance whereas some others are conventional names, totally different from one textual content to the opposite. It has not been attainable to establish all of them with widespread parasites affecting the Indian inhabitants within the current day.

Raktajakrimi are the assorted parasites- of malaria, filarial bacilli-leprosy, virus and so forth. discovered within the blood, organs such liver and spleen. These come into the human physique although the bites of mosquitoes, fleas, mattress bug and so forth. all of the parasites described above are known as vaikarikakrimi- pathogenic worms

 There may be point out of one other form of worms additionally, generally known as Sahaja krimi-worms born together with the person-which are avaikarika-non pathogenic-present within the alimentary canal which assist in the upkeep of well being.

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहिताया तृतीये निदानस्थानेकुष्ठश्वित्रकृमिननिदानं नाम चतुर्दशोऽध्याय: ।।१४॥
Thus ends the fourteenth chapter Kushtha- Shvitra-Krimi-Nidana, of Nidana sthana, composed by Srimad Vagbhata, son of Vaidyapati Simhagupta.

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