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Ashtanga Hridayam Nidanasthanam Chapter 16:  Vatashonita Nidanam Adhyaya (Analysis of gout)

The sixteenth chapter of Nidanasthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is known as as Vatasonita Nidanam Adhyayah. This chapter offers with the reason of ‘prognosis of gout’.

The matters lined on this chapter embody –

–       Nidana of Vatasonita – causes of gout
–       Purvarupa – premonitory signs
–       Rupa – medical options
–       Varieties of Vatasonita based mostly on doshas and their signs
–       Sadhyasadhyata (prognosis)
–       Avarana Vata Nidanam
–       Causes and signs of aggravation of Prana Vat
–       Causes and signs of aggravation of Udana Vata
–       Causes and signs of aggravation of Vyana Vata
–       Causes and signs of aggravation of Samana Vata
–       Causes and signs of aggravation of Apana Vata
–       Sama-Nirama Vata (vata related and dissociated with ama)
–       Context of Avarana
–       Pitta avrita vata – Vata enveloped / blocked by Pitta
–       Kaphavrita Vata – Vata enveloped / blocked by kapha Dhatu dvara Avarana – obstruction by tissues
–       Vata obstructed by Rakta (blood)
–       Mamsavrita Vata – Vata obstructed by muscle
–       Medovrita Vata – Vata obstructed by fats
–       Asthyavrita Vata – Vata obstructed by bone
–       Majjaavrita Vata – Vata obstructed by bone marrow 
–       Shukravrita Vata – Vata obstructed by semen
–       Annavrita Vata – Vata obstructed by meals
–       Malavrita Vata – Vata obstructed by excreta
–       Sarvadhatu avrita Vata – Vata obstructed by all tissues|
–       Pittavarana – obstruction of vata by pitta subtypes
–       Kaphavarana – obstruction of vata by kapha subtypes
–       Sum up of twenty-two sorts of avarana (obstruction of vata)
–       Anyonya Avarana (mutual obstruction of vata subtypes)
–       Anyonya Avarana (mutual obstruction of vata subtypes)
–       Abstract of various sorts of avarana (obstruction)
–       Significance of Prana and Udana Vayu
–       Recognized and unknown avaranas

Pledge by the writer(s)

अथातो वातशोणितनिदानं व्याख्यास्याम ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having provided prayers to the God, henceforth we’re going to clarify the chapter pertaining to the reason of ‘prognosis of gout’. Thus say (pledge) atreya and different sages. 

Nidana of Vatasonita: Causes of gout

विदाह्यन्नं विरुद्धं च तत्तच्चासृक्प्रदूषणम् ।
भजतां विधिहीनं च स्वप्नजागरमैथुनम् ॥ १ ॥
प्रायेण सुकुमाराणामचङ्क्रमणशीलिनाम् ।
अभिघातादशुद्धेश्च नृणामसृजि दूषिते ॥ २ ॥
वातलैः शीतलैर्वायुर्वृद्धः क्रुद्धो विमार्गगः ।
तादृशैवासृजा रुद्धः प्राक्तदेव प्रदूषयेत् ॥ ३ ॥
आढ्यरोगं खुडं वातबलासं वातशोणितम् ।
तदाहुर्नामभिस्तच्च पूर्वं पादौ प्रधावति ॥ ४ ॥
विशेषाद्यानयानाद्यैः प्रलम्बौ
Partaking of meals which trigger burning sensation throughout digestion, that are incompatible; which trigger vitiation of blood, indulgence in sleep, holding awake with out sleep and sexual activity in improper methods, in all probability in delicate folks and people who shouldn’t have strolling behavior, on account of trauma, not resorting to purificatory therapies, contamination of blood on account of publicity to chilly breeze; vata will get elevated. Vata is aggravated and strikes in irregular paths, being obstructed –in its regular course by the aggravated blood, vitiates the blood first and offers rise to the illness referred to as by names similar to Adhyaroga, khuda, vatabalasa and Vatasonita- vatarakta. It first impacts the legs particularly of those that maintain them hanging when driving on animals and so forth.

Purvarupa: Premonitory signs

तस्य लक्षणम् ।
भविष्यतः कुष्ठसमं तथा सादः श्लथाङ्गता ॥ ५ ॥
जानुजङ्घोरुकट्यंसहस्तपादाङ्गसन्धिषु ।
कण्डूस्फुरणनिस्तोदभेदगौरवसुप्तताः ॥ ६ ॥
भूत्वा भूत्वा प्रणश्यन्ति मुहुराविर्भवन्ति च ।
Its premonitory signs are much like these of Kustha in addition to debility, looseness of physique, itching, pulsating ache, pricking ache, splitting ache, heaviness and numbness happens in knee, calves, thigh, waist, shoulders, toes and joints of the physique, these signs repeatedly seem and disappear and reappear once more.

Rupa: Scientific options of Vatarakta

पादयोर्मूलमास्थाय कदाचिद्धस्तयोरपि ॥ ७ ॥
आखोरिव विषं क्रुद्धं कृत्स्नं देहं विधावति ।
त्वङ्मांसाश्रयमुत्तानं तत्पूर्वं जायते ततः ॥ ८ ॥
कालान्तरेण गम्भीरं सर्वान् धातून् अभिद्रवत् ।
कण्ड्वादिसंयुतोत्ताने त्वक्ताम्रा श्यावलोहिता ॥ ९ ॥
सायामा भृशदाहोषा गम्भीरेऽधिकपूर्वरुक् ।
श्वयथुर्ग्रथितः पाकी वायुः सन्ध्यस्थिमज्जसु ॥ १० ॥
छिन्दन्निव चरत्यन्तर्वक्रीकुर्वंश्च वेगवान् ।
करोति खञ्जं पङ्गुं वा शरीरे सर्वतश्चरन् ॥ ११ ॥
It takes its root (web site of onset) within the toes, or typically within the fingers, then spreads to your entire physique just like the poison of rat chew, (slowly and steadily over lengthy durations of time) residing within the pores and skin and muscle groups, it begins first as uttana sort – superficial, after which, in course of time, it turns into gambhira sort – deep, spreading to all of the tissues. Within the uttana sort, the pores and skin has itching and so forth. signs, colours such has coppery-red, brown or pink, stretching ache, extreme burning sensation and warmth. Within the gambhira sort – deep Vatarakta, swelling seems preceded by extreme ache. In Gambheera sort, the lesion is difficult (knotted) with suppuration. Vata transferring with nice unfold within the joints, bones and marrow produces slicing ache and curvatures of bones and joints after which transferring all around the physique, makes the individual lame by one leg or by each the legs.

Options of Vatarakta with Vata dominance

वातेऽधिकेऽधिकं तत्र शूलस्फुरणतोदनम् ।
शोफस्य रौक्ष्यकृष्णत्वश्यावतावृद्धिहानयः ॥ १२ ॥
धमन्यङ्गुलिसन्धीनां सङ्कोचोऽङ्गग्रहोऽतिरुक् ।
शीतद्वेषानुपशयौ स्तम्भवेपथुसुप्तयः ॥ १३ ॥
When vata is predominant, there’s extra of ache, extra throbbing and pricking; swelling which is dry, black brown coloration, growing and lowering (at durations of time associated to vata) constriction of the dhamanis-arteries, tendons of the joints of the fingers (or toes), catching ache within the physique, extreme ache (within the joints and so forth) hatred in direction of chilly which results in discomfort, stiffness, shivering (tremors) and numbness (lack of tactile sensation).

Options of Vatarakta with Rakta Dhatu dominance

रक्ते शोफोऽतिरुक् तोदस्ताम्रश्चिमिचिमायते ।
If rakta-blood is predominant, there’s swelling with extreme ache, pricking, coppery coloration, tingling sensation, not subsiding with the appliance of both unctuous or dry issues, accompanied with itching and exudation.

Options of Vatarakta with Pitta Dosha dominance

पित्ते विदाहः सम्मोहः स्वेदो मूर्छा मदः सतृट् ।
स्पर्शाक्षमत्वं रुग्रागः शोफः पाको भृशोष्मता ॥ १५ ॥
If Pitta is predominant, there’s burning sensation within the physique, delusion, perspiration, fainting, toxicity, thirst, incapacity to bear the touch- tenderness, ache, redness, swelling, suppuration (ulceration) and immense warmth.

Options of Vatarakta with Kapha Dosha dominance

कफे स्तैमित्यगुरुतासुप्तिस्निग्धत्वशीतताः ।
कण्डूर्मन्दा च रुक्
If kapha is predominant, three is inactivity (really feel of being wrapped with moist fabric), heaviness, lack of tactile sensation (numbness), unctuousness and coldness (of the pores and skin), itching and delicate ache.

Options of Vatarakta with twin or triple Dosha dominance

द्वन्द्वसर्वलिङ्गं च सङ्करे ॥ १६ ॥
In case of two Doshas being dominant concurrently, or all of the doshas being predominant, the associated signs shall be current concurrently.

Sadhya asadhyata (prognosis)

एकदोषानुगं साध्यं नवं याप्यं द्विदोषजम् ।
त्रिदोषजं त्यजेत्स्रावि स्तब्धमर्बुदकारि च ॥ १७ ॥
That arising from anyone dosa, and of current onset is curable; that arising from two dosas is controllable however persisting; that arising from the three dosas, which is exudative, static-immovable, and that resulting in arbuda-malignant nodules are to be rejected.

Avarana Vata Nidanam

रक्तमार्गं निहत्याशु शाखासन्धिषु मारुतः ।
निविश्यान्योऽन्यमावार्य वेदनाभिर्हरत्यसून् ॥ १८ ॥
Vata spreading shortly into the channels of the blood within the joints of extremities, get enveloped (impounded), prevented from functioning usually by each other, produce completely different sorts of ache and takes away the life.

Causes and signs of aggravation of Prana Vata

वायौ पञ्चात्मके प्राणो रौक्ष्यव्यायामलङ्घनैः ।
अत्याहाराभिघाताध्ववेगोदीरणधारणैः ॥ १९ ॥
कुपितश्चक्षुरादीनामुपघातं प्रवर्तयेत् ।
पीनसार्दिततृट्कासश्वासादींश्चामयान् बहून् ॥ २० ॥
Among the many 5 divisions of vata, the prana Vata, getting aggravated by dryness- absence of fats, an excessive amount of of train, fasting, consuming massive amount of meals, trauma, extreme strolling, and initiation or suppression of urges, Prana vata, being aggravated with the above causative elements, destruction of the eyes and so forth. sense organs, nasal catarrh, facial palsy, thirst, cough, dyspnoea and so forth. and lots of different illnesses.

Causes and signs of aggravation of Udana Vata

उदानः क्षवथूद्गारच्छर्दिनिद्राविधारणैः ।
गुरुभारातिरुदितहास्याद्यैर्विकृतो गदान् ॥ २१ ॥
कण्ठरोधमनोभ्रंशच्छर्द्यरोचकपीनसान् ।
कुर्याच्च गलगण्डादींस्तांस्ताञ्जत्रूर्ध्वसंश्रयान् ॥ २२ ॥
Udana vata getting aggravated by suppression of sneezing, belching, vomiting and sleep, carrying heavy load on the pinnacle, illnesses precipitated on account of extra indulgence in weeping, laughing and so forth. produces obstruction of the throat, problems of the thoughts, vomiting; lack of style/ appetites, nasal catarrh, enlargement of glands of the neck and different illnesses of organs above the shoulders.

Causes and signs of aggravation of Vyana Vata

व्यानोऽतिगमनध्यानक्रीडाविषमचेष्टितैः ।
विरोधिरूक्षभीहर्षविषादाद्यैश्च दूषितः ॥ २३ ॥
पुंस्त्वोत्साहबलभ्रंशशोफचित्तोत्प्लवज्वरान् ।
सर्वाङ्गरोगनिस्तोदरोमहर्षाङ्गसुप्तताः ॥ २४ ॥
कुष्ठं विसर्पमन्यांश्च कुर्यात्सर्वाङ्गगान् गदान् ।
Vyana vata getting aggravated by, extra of strolling or sexual activity, fear, extreme playful actions, train improper actions, consumption of meals that are incompatible and dry-fatless; extra worry, pleasure, sorrow and so forth., produces diminution of masculine energy, enthusiasm, lack of energy, swelling of the physique, problems of the thoughts, fever, paralysis of the entire physique, pricking ache, horripilation, lack of tactile sensation (numbness), and causes kustha, visarpa (herpes) and different illnesses affecting the entire physique.

Causes and signs of aggravation of Samana Vata

समानो विषमाजीर्णशीतसङ्कीर्णभोजनैः ॥ २५ ॥
करोत्यकालशयनजागराद्यैश्च दूषितः ।
शूलगुल्मग्रहण्यादीन् पक्वामाशयजान् गदान् ॥ २६ ॥
Samana vata getting aggravated by by improper meals, raw meals, or meals inflicting indigestion, chilly meals and combination of wholesome and unhealthy meals, causes premature sleeping or holding awake at improper time and so forth. provides rise to belly ache, tumors of the stomach, illnesses of the duodenum and different illnesses arising within the intestines and stomach-alimentary tract.

Causes and signs of aggravation of Apana Vata

अपानो रूक्षगुर्वन्नवेगाघातातिवाहनैः ।
यानयानासनस्थानचङ्क्रमैश्चातिसेवितैः ॥ २७ ॥
कुपितः कुरुते रोगान् कृच्छ्रान् पक्वाशयाश्रयान् ।
मूत्रशुक्रप्रदोषार्शोगुदभ्रंशादिकान् बहून् ॥ २८ ॥
Apana vata getting aggravated by consumption of dry and heavy meals, suppression of the urges or extreme premature intiation of urges, extra indulgence in driving on animals, automobiles, sitting and strolling when aggravated by the above causative elements, Apana Vata causes it provides to many illness which are troublesome to remedy,  of the big intestines, problems of  urine and semen, piles, prolapse of the rectum and so forth.

Sama Nirama Vata (Vata related and dissociated with ama)

सर्वं च मारुतं सामं तन्द्रास्तैमित्यगौरवैः ।
स्निग्धत्वारोचकालस्यशैत्यशोफाग्निहानिभिः ॥ २९ ॥
कटुरूक्षाभिलाषेण तद्विधोपशयेन च ।
युक्तं विद्यान्निरामं तु तन्द्रादीनां विपर्ययात् ॥ ३० ॥
All sorts of Vata Dosha, that are sama-associated with Ama needs to be acknowledged by, stupor, stiffness, feeling of heaviness, and unctuousness- of the physique, lack of style/ urge for food, lassitude, chilly swelling, lack of digestion energy, need for issues of pungent, dry issues, and deriving consolation from such issues. Nirama state (not related to undigested materials) of vata needs to be acknowledged by – the presence of signs reverse of stupor and so forth.

Context of Avarana

वायोरावरणं चातो बहुभेदं प्रवक्ष्यते ।
Subsequent, shall be described, the varied sorts of Avarana – overlaying/obstruction to Vata.

Pitta avrita vata: Vata enveloped / blocked by Pitta

लिङ्गं पित्तावृते दाहस्तृष्णा शूलं भ्रमस्तमः ॥ ३१ ॥ कटुकोष्णाम्ललवणैर्विदाहः शीतकामता । Signs when Vata is being obstructed by Pitta are – burning sensation, thirst,ache, dizziness, blindness,-momentary,burning sensations contained in the alimentary canal by meals that are pungent, sizzling – warmth producing, bitter, salt and need for chilly issues.

Kaphavrita Vata: Vata enveloped / blocked by kapha

शैत्यगौरवशूलानि कट्वाद्युपशयोऽधिकम् ॥ ३२ ॥
लङ्घनायासरूक्षोष्णकामता च कफावृते ।
Chilly, feeling of heaviness, ache, discovering nice consolation by meals that are pungent and so forth.- sizzling, bitter and salt need for fasting, exertion-exercise, meals that are dry (moisture free, fats free) and sizzling – warmth producing are  signs when obstructed by kapha.

Dhatu Avarana: Obstruction by tissues  

Vata obstructed by Rakta (blood)

रक्तावृते सदाहार्तिस्त्वङ्मांसान्तरजा भृशम् ॥ ३३ ॥
भवेच्च रागी श्वयथुर्जायन्ते मण्डलानि च ।
When Vata is obstructed by blood, there’s burning sensation, extreme pai contained in the pores and skin and muscle groups, look of pink swelling and pink round patches on the pores and skin.

Mamsavrita Vata: Vata obstructed by muscle

मांसेन कठिनः शोफो विवर्णः पिटिकास्तथा ॥ ३४ ॥
हर्षः पिपीलिकानां च सञ्चार इव जायते ।
When Vata is obstructed by muscle tissue, there’s exhausting swelling and eruptions of varied colours, horripilation and feeling of ants crawling on the physique.

Medovrita Vata: Vata obstructed by fats

चलः स्निग्धो मृदुः शीतः शोफो गात्रेष्वरोचकः ॥ ३५ ॥
आढ्यवात इति ज्ञेयः स कृच्छ्रो मेदसावृते ।
Swelling on the physique, which is movable, unctuous, delicate and chilly, related to lack of style/ urge for food are the signs when Vata is roofed by fats. This situation is named Adhyavata and is troublesome to remedy.

Asthyavrita Vata: Vata obstructed by bone

स्पर्शमस्थ्यावृतेऽत्युष्णं पीडनं चाभिनन्दति ॥ ३६ ॥
सूच्येव तुद्यतेऽत्यर्थमङ्गं सीदति शूल्यते ।
When Vata is obstructed by bone tissue feels consolation by sizzling contact, finds consolation by squeezing-massaging (urgent) feels as if being pricked by needles severely, weak spot and ache in physique components.

Majjaavrita Vata: Vata obstructed by bone marrow 

मज्जावृते विनमनं जृम्भणं परिवेष्टनम् ॥ ३७ ॥
शूलं च पीड्यमानेन पाणिभ्यां लभते सुखम् ।
When Vata is obstructed by the marrow, there’s bending of the physique components, extreme yawning, feeling as if lined with rope, fabric and so forth. and ache, which subsides by urgent with the fingers.

Shukravrita Vata: Vata obstructed by semen

शुक्रावृतेऽतिवेगो वा न वा निष्फलताऽपि वा ॥ ३८ ॥
When Vata is obstructed by the semen, the ejaculation happens with nice power or by no means, or it could trigger infertility.

Annavrita Vata: Vata obstructed by meals

भुक्ते कुक्षौ रुजा जीर्णे शाम्यत्यन्नावृतेऽनिले ।
When vata is obstructed by the meals, there’s ache in stomach quickly after consuming meals, subsiding   after digestion

Malavrita Vata: Vata obstructed by excreta

मूत्राप्रवृत्तिराध्मानं बस्तेर्मूत्रावृते भवेत् ॥ ३९ ॥
विडावृते विबन्धोऽधः स्वस्थाने परिकृन्तति ।
व्रजत्याशु जरां स्नेहो भुक्ते चानह्यते नरः ॥ ४० ॥
शकृत् पीडितमन्नेन दुःखं शुष्कं चिरात्सृजेत् ।
When Vata is obstructed by the urine, lack of urination, distention of the urinary bladder; when Vata is obstructed by the feces. There’s obstruction within the decrease portion of the physique (constipation) and so causes slicing ache in its personal place – within the massive gut and rectum,administered by mouth as a part of oleation remedy will get digested shortly, the individual develops flatulence by meals consumption, ache, issue in defecation, discomfort in decrease stomach is attributable to the meals, is expelled with issue in dry situation and after very long time.

Sarvadhatu avrita Vata: Vata obstructed by all tissues

सर्वधात्वावृते वायौ श्रोणिवङ्क्षणपृष्ठरुक् ॥ ४१ ॥
विलोमो मारुतोऽस्वस्थं हृदयं पीड्यतेऽति च ।
When vata is obstructed by all of the tissues, there’s ache within the pelvis, groins and again; it begins to maneuver in incorrect instructions, causes sick well being and extreme ache within the coronary heart.

Pitta Avruta Prana Vata: Obstruction of Prana vata by pitta

भ्रमो मूर्छा रुजा दाहः पित्तेन प्राण आवृते ॥ ४२ ॥
विदग्धेऽन्ने च वमनं
When Prana vata is obstructed by Pitta, there’s dizziness, fainting, ache, burning sensation and vomiting when meals is present process digestion.

Pitta Avruta Udana Vata: Obstruction of Udana vata by pitta

उदानेऽपि भ्रमादयः ।
When Udana vata is obstructed by Pitta, it causes inside burning sensation, and lack of energy, dizziness and so forth.

Pitta Avruta Vyana Vata: Obstruction of Vyana vata by pitta

दाहो व्याने च सर्वगः ॥ ४३ ॥
क्लमोऽङ्गचेष्टासङ्गश्च ससन्तापः सवेदनः ।
When Vyana Vata- is obstructed by Pitta there’s burning sensation in all places, exhaustion, hindrance to motion of the physique components, related to tiredness advert ache;

Pitta Avruta Samana Vata: Obstruction of Samana Vata by pitta

समान ऊष्मोपहतिरतिस्वेदोऽरतिः सतृट् ॥ ४४ ॥
दाहश्च स्यात्
When samana vata is obstructed by Pitta there’s, there’s disturbances of physique temperature, profuse perspiration, restlessness, thirst and burning sensation.

Pitta Avruta Apana Vata: Obstruction of Apana Vata by pitta

अपाने तु मले हारिद्रवर्णता ।
रजोऽतिवृत्तिस्तापश्च योनिमेहनपायुषु ॥ ४५ ॥
When Apana vata is obstructed by Pitta, there’s yellow coloration of the feces (and in addition urine), extra of menstrual bleeding- in girls, or discomfort by improve in temperature within the vagina, penis and anal area.

Kapha Avruta Prana Vata: Obstruction of Prana Vata by Kapha

श्लेष्मणा त्वावृते प्राणे सादस्तन्द्रारुचिर्वमिः ।
ष्ठीवनं क्षवथूद्गारनिःश्वासोच्छ्वाससङ्ग्रहः ॥ ४६ ॥
When prana is obstructed by kapha there’s, debility, stupor, lack of style/ urge for food, vomiting, expectoration of sputum, extra of sneezing and belching, obstruction to inspiration and expiration.

Kapha Avruta Udana Vata: Obstruction of Udana Vata by Kapha

उदाने गुरुगात्रत्वमरुचिर्वाक्स्वरग्रहः ।
When Udana is obstructed by kapha there’s, feeling of heaviness of the physique, lack of style/ urge for food, hindrance to speech and of voice and lack of energy and coloration/ complexion.

Kapha Avruta Vyana Vata: Obstruction of Vyana Vata by Kapha

व्याने पर्वास्थिवाग्ग्रहः ॥ ४७ ॥
गुरुताङ्गेषु सर्वेषु स्खलितं च गतौ भृशम् ।
When Vyana is obstructed by Kapha Dosha, there’s catching ache within the joints (small joints of fingers – interphalangeal joints), bones and obstruction of speech heaviness of all of the components of the physique, and nice impairment in strolling (gait).

Kapha Avruta Samana Vata: Obstruction of Samana Vata by Kapha

समानेऽतिहिमाङ्गत्वमस्वेदो मन्दवह्निता ॥ ४८ ॥
When samana Vata is obstructed by Kapha, there’s propounded coldness of the physique, absence of sweating, and weak spot of digestion exercise.

Kapha Avruta Apana Vata: Obstruction of Apana Vata by Kapha

अपाने सकफं मूत्रशकृतः स्यात् प्रवर्तनम् ।

When Apana Vata is obstructed by kapha, there’s elimination of urine and feces combined with kapha.

Sum up of twenty-two sorts of avarana (obstruction of vata)

इति द्वाविंशतिविधं वायोरावरणं विदुः ॥ ४९ ॥
Thus, these are the twenty two sorts of Avarana of vata,  identified – to the traditional authorities.

Anyonya Avarana (Mutual obstruction of vata subtypes)

प्राणादयस्तथाऽन्योऽन्यमावृण्वन्ति यथाक्रमम् ।
सर्वेऽपि विंशतिविधं विद्यादावरणं च तत् ॥ ५० ॥
Prana and others sorts of Vata get obstructed by themselves mutually, and in respective order, all collectively; they’re identified to be twenty sorts of avarana (mutual obstruction).

Anyonya Avarana (Mutual obstruction of vata subtypes) Avarana of Udana by Prana Vata

निःश्वासोच्छ्वाससंरोधः प्रतिश्यायः शिरोग्रहः ।
हृद्रोगो मुखशोषश्च प्राणेनोदान आवृते ॥ ५१ ॥
Hindrance to inspiration and expiration, nasal catarrh, catching ache within the head, disease-pain of the center, and dryness of the mouth seem when Udana is obstructed by Prana.

Avarana of Udana by Prana Vata

उदानेनावृते प्राणे वर्णौजोबलसङ्क्षयः ।
When Prana is obstructed by Udana there’s lack of coloration/complexion, enthusiasm and energy.

Avarana of Udana by Prana Vata

दिशाऽनया च विभजेत् सर्वमावरणं भिषक् ॥ ५२ ॥
स्थानान्यवेक्ष्य वातानां वृद्धिं हानिं च कर्मणाम् ।
On this method, the doctor ought to classify all different sorts of Avarana of vata by noting the locations and the rise and reduce of the capabilities of the vata subtypes.

Abstract of various sorts of avarana (Obstruction)

प्राणादीनां च पञ्चानां मिश्रमावरणं मिथः ॥ ५३ ॥
पित्तादिभिर्द्वादशभिर्मिश्राणां मिश्रितैश्च तैः ।
मिश्रैः पित्तादिभिस्तद्वन्मिश्रणाभिरनेकधा ॥ ५४ ॥
तारतम्यविकल्पाच्च यात्यावृतिरसङ्ख्यताम् ।
तां लक्षयेदवहितो यथास्वं लक्षणोदयात् ॥ ५५ ॥
शनैः शनैश्चोपशयाद्गूढामपि मुहुर्मुहुः ।
The Avarana of the Prana and different 5 divisions of vata, combined together with the twelve sorts by Pitta and so forth. combined with one another and separately- grow to be innumerable; equally so when combined with Pitta and so forth. and with which dosha is very aggravated, which is much less aggravated, with these calculations, variety of Avaranas is innumerable; these needs to be acknowledged by intently, repeatedly, typically  by noting the onset of signs and even these signs which aren’t effectively manifest by diagnostic exams repeatedly, which give gradual consolation to the affected person.

Significance of Prana and Udana Vayu

विशेषाज्जीवितं प्राण उदानो बलमुच्यते ॥ ५६ ॥
स्यात्तयोः पीडनाद्धानिरायुषश्च बलस्य च ।
Prana vata is mainly accountable for-existence of life, and Udana is informed as energy. Therefore, their dysfunction causes lack of life and energy respectively.

Recognized and unknown avaranas

Avaranas of various kinds of vata that are identified or unknown, which have persevered for greater than a yr, are both troublesome to remedy or not possible to deal with, regardless of all efforts. By neglecting the various kinds of Avarana, results in problems similar to abscesses, enlargement of spleen, coronary heart illnesses, belly tumors, weak digestion and so forth.

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहिताया तृतीये निदानस्थाने वातशोणितनिदानं नाम षोडशोऽध्याय: ।।१६॥
Thus ends the chapter Vatasonita Nidana  the sixteenth in Nidanasthana of Astangahrdayasamhita, composed by srimad Vagdhata, son of Sri vaidyapati Simhagupta.

Thus ends Nidana Sthana- the third part.

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