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Sunday, July 7, 2024

Bruce Springsteen Lyrics Mad Libs

   [common woman’s name in the 1970s]   , this city bites.
   [same woman’s name]   , we’ve an actual downside, and it’s that    [stage of pregnancy or draft number or both]   .
This can be a soiled, soiled, unhealthy    [name of small New Jersey town, country, or planet]   , and there are    [type of insect or parasite, plural]    and mites.
   [common father’s name in the 1970s]    goes to kill me    [point in time]   ,
when he finds out about that    [same stage of pregnancy or draft number or both]   .

what rips you to shreds?    [synonym for life]   .
   [slang term for a woman in the 1970s]   , let’s get married.

Not as a result of we love one another.
Not as a result of I feel you are    [aesthetically pleasing way to describe an individual or a painting]   .
   [common woman’s name in the 1970s]    as a result of [stage of pregnancy or draft number or both].

This place is a    [pejorative term that rhymes with the random word mentioned above]   .
It is a    [pejorative term that indicates a means or method of entrapment]
I used to be doing simply high quality till I met you.
However you    [pejorative verb that indicates a means of entrapment, in the past perfect tense]    me,
and I spotted I used to be a shrunken    [synonym for corpse or another inanimate object]    within the physique of a person.

It’s okay that we don’t love one another.
It is okay that I do not suppose you are very    [synonym for attractive]   .
We’re simply    [synonym for living, gerund]   .
We’re simply    [phrase that indicates aging, gerund]   .
We’re simply    [synonym for dying, gerund]   .

I’m a road    [type of rodent]   .
That’s why you don’t care.
However I don’t care, both.
No person cares a couple of piece of    [synonym for trash]   .
As a result of I’m a    [different type of rodent]   .

Typically I drink    [type of hard liquor, an extremely cheap but well-known brand]   .
I bury my head within the sand,
And I throw my    [intangible goal, plural]    and    [separate intangible goal, plural]    into the bottle.
My head has been on this bottle since I used to be    [age that is significantly younger than 21]   .
You had been    [same age]    as soon as, too.

However now that you just’re leaving me,
As a result of I’m a road    [third type of rodent]   ,
And I handled you    [poor way to treat someone]   .
And the Lord handled me like    [synonym for scum of the Earth]   .
I’m nonetheless holding onto this torn    [article of clothing]   .

Let’s comply with our    [noun that indicates something intangible, such as a hope or dream but is not actually a hope or dream]   .
Let’s bury our    [type of oath, plural]   .
Let’s neglect our    [moment in history that could serve as a metaphor for personal strife]  .
Let’s not retreat into our    [noun that indicates something painful and intangible]   .
Let’s run from    [same stage of pregnancy or draft number or both]   .

I take into consideration the time we    [synonym for escape, in the past perfect tense]    into the    [place that is not that great, but probably better than a trash can]   .
Or possibly I’ll discover hope on the backside of this    [place that is worse than a trash can]   .

Harmonica interlude.

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