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Ashtanga Hridayam Chikitsa sthanam Chapter 2:  Raktapitta Chikitsitam Adhyaya (Therapy of bleeding ailments)

The 2nd chapter of Chikitsasthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is called as Raktapitta chikitsitam Adhyayah. This chapter offers with the reason of ‘remedy of bleeding ailments’.

The matters coated on this chapter embody –

–        Sadhyasadhyata – Prognosis
–        Chikitsa Krama – process of remedy
–        Use of Tarpana and Peya in Raktapitta
–        Virechana Yoga – purgative recipes for use in Raktapitta
–        Vamana Yoga – Emetic recipes for use in Raktapitta
–        Publish-purificatory procedures in Raktapitta
–        Use of Mantha and Pancharasa in Raktapitta
–        Use of Peya in Raktapitta
–        Use of Yavagu and Mamsarasa in Raktapitta
–        Helpful grains and greens in Raktapitta
–        Use of processed water, honey water and fruit juices in Raktapitta
–        Use of meat in Raktapitta
–        Avoidance of causes of Raktapitta
–        Vasakalpa
–        Anya kalpa – different recipes for raktapitta
–        Ksira Prayoga – Recipe of Milk in Raktapitta
–        Therapy of bleeding diarrhea and bleeding piles in Raktapitta
–        Vasa Ghrita in Raktapitta
–        Palasa Ghrita & Trayamana Ghrita in raktapitta
–        Kshara Prayoga – use of alkali in raktapitta
–        Basti Prayoga – use of enema in Raktapitta
–        Nasagata Raktapitta – remedy of bleeding from the nostril in raktapitta

Pledge by the writer(s)

अथातो रक्तपित्तचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्याम: व्याख्यास्याम: ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having provided prayers to the God, henceforth we’re going to clarify the chapter pertaining to the reason of ‘remedy of bleeding fevers’. Thus say (pledge) atreya and different sages.

Sadhyasadhyata: Prognosis

ऊर्ध्वगं बलिनोऽवेगमेकदोषानुगं नवम् ।
रक्तपित्तं सुखे काले साधयेन्निरुपद्रवम् ॥ १ ॥
अधोगं यापयेद्रक्तं यच्च दोषद्वयानुगम् ।
शान्तं शान्तं पुनः कुप्यन्मार्गान्मार्गान्तरं च यत् ॥ २ ॥
अतिप्रवृत्तं मन्दाग्नेस्त्रिदोषं द्विपथं त्यजेत् ।
Raktapitta which is of upward path (bleeding from the higher elements of the physique resembling nostril, mouth, ears), seen in a robust individual, with nil or gentle bouts (of bleeding), produced by just one Dosha, of latest onset, showing at a good time and having no issues (secondary affections) ought to be handled. Raktha which bleeds in downward path (bleeding from the urethra, rectum, and Vagina), that produced by two Doshas, recurring typically after subsiding, and altering from one channel (website) to different, steadily, ought to be managed. That which bleeds closely, present in an individual who has poor digestion power, produced by all of the three Doshas and that manifesting in each upward and downward instructions ought to be rejected.

Chikitsa Krama: Process of remedy

ज्ञात्वा निदानमयनं मलावनुबलौ बलम् ॥ ३ ॥
देशकालाद्यवस्थां च रक्तपित्ते प्रयोजयेत् ।
लङ्घनं बृंहणं वाऽऽदौ शोधनं शमनं तथा ॥ ४ ॥
Having clearly decided the trigger, path, the mala (chief causative Dosha), anubala (secondary Doshas), the power of the affected person and the illness, habitat of the affected person, organs within the physique, period of the illness, season and so forth. based mostly on the stage of Rakta Pitta, remedy of raktapitta ought to be commenced both with Langhana (lightening therapies) and Brimhana (stoutening therapies) or Sodhana (purification therapies) and samana (Palliative therapies).

Chikitsa Krama: Process of remedy

सन्तर्पणोत्थं बलिनो बहुदोषस्य साधयेत् ।
ऊर्ध्वभागं विरेकेण वमनेन त्वधोगतम् ॥ ५ ॥
शमनैर्बृंहणैश्चान्यल्लङ्घ्यबृंह्यानवेक्ष्य च ।
Raktapitta which is produced by Santarpana (over nourishment), in a robust individual, brought on by many Doshas ought to be handled by Vireka (purgation remedy) whether it is of upward path and by Vamana (emesis remedy) whether it is of downward path or by Samana (Palliative)and Bramhana (stoutening, nourishing therapies), after discovering out whether or not the affected person is match for langhana and brimhana therapies.

Chikitsa Krama: Process of remedy

ऊर्ध्वं प्रवृत्ते शमनौ रसौ तिक्तकषायकौ ॥ ६ ॥
उपवासश्च निःशुण्ठीषडङ्गोदकपायिनः ।
अधोगे रक्तपित्ते तु बृंहणो मधुरो रसः ॥ ७ ॥
When it’s of upward path, administration of palliative therapies with herbs having samana (mitigating the Dosha) with bitter and astringent tastes, fasting and consuming sadangodaka, devoid of Zingiber officinale ought to be adhered to; in case of downward path, it ought to be handled with using candy tasting herbs that are nourishing.

Use of Tarpana and Peya in Raktapitta

ऊर्ध्वगे तर्पणं योज्यं प्राक्च पेया त्वधोगते ।
In case of upward path, tarpana ought to be given first (as meals) and in case of downward path, peya ought to be given first.

Use of Tarpana and Peya in Raktapitta

अश्नतो बलिनोऽशुद्धं न धार्यं तद्धि रोगकृत् ॥ ८ ॥
धारयेदन्यथा शीघ्रमग्निवच्छीघ्रकारि तत् ।
If the affected person is consuming nicely and if she is powerful, the impure blood (that’s flowing out) shouldn’t be stopped; if completed so, it’ll produce illness. If in any other case, (affected person not consuming nicely and is weak) it (bleeding) ought to be stopped quickly, as it’s going kill the affected person, shortly, similar to the hearth.

Virechana Yoga: Purgative recipes for use in Raktapitta

त्रिवृच्छ्यामाकषायेण कल्केन च सशर्करम् ॥ ९ ॥
साधयेद्विधिवल्लेहं लिह्यात्पाणितलं ततः ।
त्रिवृता त्रिफला श्यामा पिप्पली शर्करा मधु ॥ १० ॥
मोदकः सन्निपातोर्ध्वरक्तशोफज्वरापहः ।
त्रिवृत् समसिता तद्वत्पिप्पलीपादसंयुता ॥ ११ ॥
A Lehya (confection) ought to be ready as per produce with the decoction and paste of trivrt (Operculina turpethum) and syama (number of Operculina turpethum) combined with sugar. It ought to be licked one panitala (karsa) per dose. A modaka (massive sized pill) ready from Operculina turpethum fruits of Terminalia chebula, Terminalia bellirica and Emblica officinalis number of Operculina turpethum Piper longum together with sugar and honey cures Raktapitta brought on by all of the Doshas of the upward path, dropsy and fever. Equally the bolus ready with equal portions of trivirt (Operculina turpethum) and sita (sugar) and one fourth a part of the Pippali (Piper longum).

Vamana Yoga: Emetic recipes for use in Raktapitta

वमनं फलसंयुक्तं तर्पणं ससितामधु ।
ससितं वा जलं क्षौद्रयुक्तं वा मधुकोदकम् ॥ १२ ॥
क्षीरं वा रसमिक्षोर्वा
Vamana – emesis remedy completed with powder of Randia dumetorum, added with sugar and honey ought to be used. It additionally acts as Tarpana – supplies calming nourishment. Adopted by consuming both sugar water, honey water, or water boiled with Glycyrrhiza glabra, milk or sugarcane juice.

Publish purificatory procedures in Raktapitta

शुद्धस्यानन्तरो विधिः ।
यथास्वं मन्थपेयादिः प्रयोज्यो रक्षता बलम् ॥ १३ ॥
After purification therapies, the routine of those therapies, resembling consuming peya and so forth. (liquid meals) ought to be adhered to, defending the power of the affected person.

Publish purificatory procedures in Raktapitta

मन्थो ज्वरोक्तो द्राक्षादिः पित्तघ्नैर्वा फलैः कृतः ।
Draksadi Mantha talked about within the remedy of fever (vide, chapter 1/55-58) or that ready from fruits which mitigate pitta (ought to be used).

Use of Mantha and Pancharasa in Raktapitta

मधुखर्जूरमृद्वीकापरूषकसिताम्भसा ॥ १४ ॥
मन्थो वा पञ्चसारेण सघृतैर्लाजसक्तुभिः ।
दाडिमामलकाम्लो वा मन्दाग्न्यम्लाभिलाषिणाम् ॥ १५ ॥
Mantha (fruit squash) or Pancasara (candy syrup) ready with ready from honey, Phoenix dactylifera, Vitis vinifera, Grewia asiatica, sugar and water, added with Ghrta (ghee) and Lajasaktu (flour of fried paddy) could also be used; for many who have poor digestion and need bitter style, mantha ready from Punica granatum, and Emblica officinalis which is bitter (is appropriate).

Use of Peya in Raktapitta

कमलोत्पलकिञ्जल्कपृश्निपर्णीप्रियङ्गुकाः ।
उशीरं शबरं लोध्रं शृङ्गवेरं कुचन्दनम् ॥ १६ ॥
ह्रीवेरं धातकीपुष्पं बिल्वमध्यं दुरालभा ।
अर्धार्धैर्विहिताः पेया वक्ष्यन्ते पादयौगिकाः ॥ १७ ॥
भूनिम्बसेव्यजलदा मसूराः पृश्निपर्ण्यपि ।
विदारिगन्धा मुद्गाश्च बला सर्पिर्हरेणुकाः ॥ १८ ॥
Natural drink ready from herbs within the following three half verses and subsequent quarter-verses ought to be made use of (in adhogaraktapitta- downward bleeding) viz. filaments of Nelumbo nucifera, Nymphaea stellata, Uraria picta, Callicarpa macrophylla, Ushira (Vetiveria zizanioides), Number of Santalum album, Symplocos racemosa), Zingiber officinale Pterocarpus santalinus, Pavonia odorata, flowers of Woodfordia fruticose, fruit pulp of Aegle marmelos, Fagonia cretica, Andrographis paniculata, Vetiveria zizanioides, Cyperus rotundus, Lens culinaris and Uraria picta, Pueraria tuberosa Vigna radiata, Sida cordifolia, ghee, Pisum sativum

Use of Yavagu and Mamsarasa in Raktapitta

जाङ्गलानि च मांसानि शीतवीर्याणि साधयेत् ।
पृथक् पृथग्जले तेषां यवागूः कल्पयेद्रसे ॥ १९ ॥
शीताः सशर्कराक्षौद्रास्तद्वन्मांसरसानपि ।
ईषदम्लाननम्लान् वा घृतभृष्टान् सशर्करान् ॥ २० ॥
Meat of animals of desert-like area that are chilly in efficiency ought to be processed individually in water with herbs talked about above and from juice (meat soup), Yavagu (gruel) ought to be ready. It ought to be cooled and added with sugar and honey (and used) or meat juice (soup) with slight bitter style or not having bitter style, fried in ghee and added with sugar (could also be used).

Helpful grains and greens in Raktapitta

शूकशिम्बीभवं धान्यं रक्ते शाकं च शस्यते ।
अन्नस्वरूपविज्ञाने यदुक्तं लघुशीतलम् ॥ २१ ॥
Grains with spike, legumes (pulses) and greens that are simply digestible and chilly (in efficiency) talked about in annasvarupaVijnana (chapter of sutrasthana) are greatest fitted to Raktapitta (bleeding illness).

Use of processed water, honey water and fruit juices in Raktapitta

पूर्वोक्तमम्बु पानीयं पञ्चमूलेन वा शृतम् ।
लघुना शृतशीतं वा मध्वम्भो वा फलाम्बु वा ॥ २२ ॥
drink talked about earlier (sadangapaniya with out sunthi), water processed with pancamula (5 higher roots), water boiled and cooled and made gentle, or honey water or syrup of fruits (any one in every of these) ought to be used for consuming.

Use of meat in Raktapitta

शशः सवास्तुकः शस्तो विबन्धे तित्तिरिः पुनः ।
उदुम्बरस्य निर्यूहे साधितो मारुतेऽधिके ॥ २३ ॥
प्लक्षस्य बर्हिणस्तद्वन्न्यग्रोधस्य च कुक्कुटः ।
Rabbit meat together with Vastuka (saka) – Chenopodium ambrosioides is useful when there’s constipation, meat of black partridge boiled with decoction of Ficus racemosa is useful when there’s predominance of vata. And equally the meat of peacock boiled within the decoction of Ficus lacor and the poultry meat, boiled within the decoction of Ficus benghalensis.

Avoidance of causes of Raktapitta

यत् किञ्चिद्रक्तपित्तस्य निदानं तच्च वर्जयेत् ॥ २४ ॥
Any causative issue associated to – Raktapitta (bleeding illness) ought to be prevented.

Vasa kalpa

वासारसेन फलिनीमृल्लोध्राञ्जनमाक्षिकम् ।
पित्तासृक् शमयेत्पीतं निर्यासो वाटरूषकात् ॥ २५ ॥
शर्करामधुसंयुक्तः केवलो वा शृतोऽपि वा ।
वृषः सद्यो जयत्यस्रं स ह्यस्य परमौषधम् ॥ २६ ॥
Recent juice of Adhatoda vasica combined with powder of Callicarpa macrophylla particular sort of mud present in Saurashtra Symplocos racemosa, Berberis aristata, and honey alleviates bleeding ailments; or recent juice of atarusaka (Adhatoda vasica) both combined with sugar and honey or alone or decoction of Adhatoda vasica cures Raktapitta instantly. Adhatoda vasica is it’s (of Raktapitta) greatest drugs.

Anya kalpa: Different recipes for raktapitta

पटोलमालतीनिम्बचन्दनद्वयपद्मकम् ।
लोध्रो वृषस्तण्डुलीयः कृष्णा मृन्मदयन्तिका ॥ २७ ॥
शतावरी गोपकन्या काकोल्यौ मधुयष्टिका ।
रक्तपित्तहराः क्वाथास्त्रयः समधुशर्कराः ॥ २८ ॥
The next three decoctions of herbs added with honey and sugar treatment bleeding illness,

a. Trichosanthes dioica, Aganosma heynei, Azadirachta indica, Santalum album & Pterocarpus santalinus and Prunus cerasoides

b. Symplocos racemosa, Adhatoda vasica, Amaranthus viridis black mud and Lawsonia inermis

c. Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Gopakanya (Hemidesmus indicus), Lilium polyphyllum & Fritillaria roylei and Glycyrrhiza glabra.

Anya kalpa: Different recipes for raktapitta

पलाशवल्कक्वाथो वा सुशीतः शर्करान्वितः ।
लिह्याद्वा मधुसर्पिर्भ्यां गवाश्वशकृतो रसम् ॥ २९ ॥
Decoction of bark of Butea monosperma cooled and added with sugar ought to be consumed dung water of both cow or horse could also be administered together with honey and ghee.

Anya kalpa: Different recipes for raktapitta

सक्षौद्रं ग्रथिते रक्ते लिह्यात् पारावताच्छकृत् ।
If the blood (coming-out) is discovered clotted, the excreta of pigeon could also be licked, mixing with honey.

Anya kalpa: Different recipes for raktapitta

अतिनिःस्रुतरक्तश्च क्षौद्रेण रुधिरं पिबेत् ॥ ३० ॥
जाङ्गलं भक्षयेद्वाजमामं पित्तयुतं यकृत् ।
If there’s extreme bleeding, then blood of animals of desert like areas ought to be administered combined with honey or the raw liver together with the bile of a goat could also be eaten.

Anya kalpa: Different recipes for raktapitta

चन्दनोशीरजलदलाजमुद्गकणायवैः ॥ ३१ ॥
बलाजले पर्युषितैः कषायो रक्तपित्तहा ।
Powder of Santalum album, Vetiveria zizanioides, Cyperus rotundus, puffed / parched rice, Vigna radiata, Piper longum and Hordeum vulgare soaked within the decoction of bala (Sida cordifolia) (stored in a single day) decoction is ready cures bleeding illness.

Anya kalpa: Different recipes for raktapitta

प्रसादश्चन्दनाम्भोजसेव्यमृद्भृष्टलोष्टजः ॥ ३२ ॥
सुशीतः ससिताक्षौद्रः शोणितातिप्रवृत्तिजित् ।
Essence (supernatant fluid of an answer) of chandana (Santalum album), ambhoja (Nelumbium speciosum), sevya (Vetiveria zizaniodes), earthen or clay lump made pink after cooking in fireplace, cooled and combined with sugar and honey controls profuse bleeding.

Anya kalpa: Different recipes for raktapitta

आपोथ्य वा नवे कुम्भे प्लावयेदिक्षुगण्डिकाः ॥ ३३ ॥
स्थितं तद्गुप्तमाकाशे रात्रिं प्रातः स्रुतं जलम् ।
मधुमद्विकचाम्भोजकृतोत्तंसं च तद्गुणम् ॥ ३४ ॥
Items of Saccharum officinarum are crushed a bit and put into water stored in a brand new pot, that pot containing crushed sugarcane is stored shielded from bugs, flies and so forth., within the open air for an evening. Subsequent morning, it’s filtered, liquid is collected, combined with honey, made aromatic with the nicely bloomed flower of Nelumbo nucifear and consumed; it acts like smart (stops heavy bleeding).

Anya kalpa: Different recipes for raktapitta

ये च पित्तज्वरे चोक्ताः कषायास्तांश्च योजयेत् ।
These decoctions described within the remedy of Pittajvara – can also be used (on this illness).

Kshira Prayoga: Recipe of Milk in raktapitta

कषायैर्विविधैरेभिर्दीप्तेऽग्नौ विजिते कफे ॥ ३५ ॥
रक्तपित्तं न चेच्छाम्येत्तत्र वातोल्बणे पयः ।
युञ्ज्याच्छागं शृतं तद्वद्गव्यं पञ्चगुणेऽम्भसि ॥ ३६ ॥
पञ्चमूलेन लघुना शृतं वा ससितामधु ।
जीवकर्षभकद्राक्षाबलागोक्षुरनागरैः ॥ ३७ ॥
पृथक् पृथक् शृतं क्षीरं सघृतं सितयाऽथवा ।
With the assistance of various decoctions, when the digestive energy is elevated and kapha is managed / diminished however Vata is elevated and bleeding is just not mitigated, then goat milk ought to be boiled with 5 occasions of water (and decreased to its authentic amount) ought to be consumed. Equally, cow milk boiled with the herbs of laghu panccamula (roots of Desmodium gangeticum, Uraria picta, Tribulus terrestris, Solanum indicum and Solanum xanthocarpum) and combined with Sugar and honey or milk boiled with Jivaka (Microstylis wallichii), (Rishabhaka) Malaxis acuminata, Vitis vinifera, Sida cordifolia, Tribulus terrestris and Zingiber officinale every one boiled with ghee or sugar could also be consumed.

Kshira Prayoga: Recipe of Milk in raktapitta

गोकण्टकाभीरुशृतं पर्णिनीभिस्तथा पयः ॥ ३८ ॥
हन्त्याशु रक्तं सरुजं विशेषान् मूत्रमार्गगम् ।
विण्मार्गगे विशेषेण हितं मोचरसेन तु ॥ ३९ ॥
वटप्ररोहैर्शुङ्गैर्वा शुण्ठ्युदीच्योत्पलैरपि ।
Milk boiled with Pedalium murex / Tribulus terrestris, and of Asparagus racemosus boiled with 4 Parnis (Desmodium gangeticum, Uraria picta, Vigna trilobata and Teramnus labialis), shortly relives the bleeding related to Ache, particularly bleeding by urinary passage. Milk boiled with mocarasa (Salmalia malabarica) is very useful in bleeding from the rectum; or milk boiled with shoots and tender leaves of Vata (Ficus benghalensis) or that boiled with sunthi (Zingiber officinale), Pavonia odorata and Nymphaea stellate.

Therapy of bleeding diarrhea and bleeding piles in raktapitta

रक्तातीसारदुर्नामचिकित्सां चात्र कल्पयेत् ॥ ४० ॥
The remedy prescribed for extreme bleeding diarrhea can also be adopted in these ailments.

Kshira Prayoga: Recipe of Milk in raktapitta

पीत्वा कषायान् पयसा भुञ्जीत पयसैव च ।
कषाययोगैरेभिर्वा विपक्वं पाययेद्घृतम् ॥ ४१ ॥
After consuming decoction combined with milk, the affected person ought to eat his meals with milk solely. He ought to drink ghee cooked with the herbs talked about for making ready decoctions.

Vrisha Ghrita: Vasa Ghrita in raktapitta

समूलमस्तकं क्षुण्णं वृषमष्टगुणेऽम्भसि ।
पक्त्वाष्टांशावशेषेण घृतं तेन विपाचयेत् ॥ ४२ ॥
तत्पुष्पगर्भं तच्छीतं सक्षौद्रं पित्तशोणितम् ।
पित्तगुल्मज्वरश्वासकासहृद्रोगकामलाः ॥ ४३
तिमिरभ्रमवीसर्पस्वरसादांश्च नाशयेत् ।
The Adhatoda vasica Plant with its roots and head (leaves) pounded is boiled in eight elements of water and decoction decreased to one-eight-part, medicated ghee is ready from it utilizing its personal flowers as paste. After cooling, it’s consumed combined with honey. This cures bleeding illness, stomach tumor brought on by Pitta, fever, dyspnoea, cough, coronary heart illness, jaundice, blindness, giddiness, visarpa (herpes) and Svarasada (feeble voice).

Palasa Ghrita & Trayamana Ghrita in raktapitta

पलाशवृन्तस्वरसे तद्गर्भं च घृतं पचेत् ॥ ४४ ॥
सक्षौद्रं तच्च रक्तघ्नं तथैव त्रायमाणया ।
Natural ghee is cooled with the recent juice of Stalks of Palasa (Butea monosperma) and paste of the identical, consumed with honey it cures bleeding illness; equally so it that ready from trayamana (Gentiana kurroo).

Kshara Prayoga: Use of alkali in raktapitta

रक्ते सपिच्छे सकफे ग्रथिते कण्ठमार्गगे ॥ ४५ ॥
लिह्यान्माक्षिकसर्पिर्भ्यां क्षारमुत्पलनालजम् ।
पृथक् पृथक् तथाऽम्भोजरेणुश्यामामधूकजम् ॥ ४६ ॥
In case of bleeding from the throat, the blood being sticky, combined with Kapha or solidified. Then the Ksara (alkali) ready from the stalks of Nymphaea stellata, filaments of Nelumbo nucifera Callicarpa macrophylla or flowers of Madhuka longifolia every individually ought to be licked combined with honey and ghee.

Basti Prayoga: Use of enema in raktapitta

गुदागमे विशेषेण शोणिते बस्तिरिष्यते ।
If the bleeding is from the rectum, enema remedy is very appropriate.

Nasagata Raktapitta: Therapy of nasal bleeding

घ्राणगे रुधिरे शुद्धे नावनं चानुषेचयेत् ॥ ४७ ॥
कषाययोगान् पूर्वोक्तान् क्षीरेक्ष्वादिरसाप्लुतान् ।
क्षीरादीन् ससितांस्तोयं केवलं वा जलं हितं ॥ ४८ ॥
रसो दाडिमपुष्पाणामाम्रास्थ्नः शाद्वलस्य वा ।
In case of recent bleeding from the nostril then the Nasal drops with the herbs talked about for decoctions earlier, ready both with milk or juice of Saccharum officinarum and so forth. could also be put into the nostril. Or milk and so forth. combined with sugar or chilly water alone or chilly water is useful; so additionally the juice of flowers of Dadima (Punica granatum), seed kernel of Mangifera indica or juice of Cynodon dactylon.

Nasagata Raktapitta: Therapy of bleeding from the nostril in raktapitta

कल्पयेच्छीतवर्गं च प्रदेहाभ्यञ्जनादिषु ॥ ४९ ॥
The herbs belonging to chilly efficiency ought to be made use for software over the physique, oil therapeutic massage, bathtub and so forth.,

Nasagata Raktapitta: Therapy of bleeding from the nostril in raktapitta

यच्च पित्तज्वरे प्रोक्तं बहिरन्तश्च भेषजम् ।
रक्तपित्ते हितं तच्च क्षतक्षीणे हितं च यत् ॥ ५० ॥
The exterior and inside medicines described within the remedy of Pittajvara (fever of pitta origin) are useful in bleeding ailments additionally; equally additionally these prescribed in Ksataksina (consumption resulting from harm to chest).

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां चतुर्थे चिकित्सितस्थाने रक्तपित्तचिकित्सितं नाम द्वितीयोऽध्याय: ॥ २॥
Thus ends the chapter Raktapitta Cikistha- the second in Cikitsitasthana of Astanga hrdaya samhita composed by Srimad Vaghbhata, son of sri Vaidyapati Simhagupta.

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