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Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Ashtanga Hridayam Chikitsa sthanam Chapter 4:  Shwasa Hidhma Chikitsitam Adhyaya (Therapies of dyspnea and hiccup)  

The 4th chapter of Cikitsasthanam of Ashtanga Hridayam is called as Svasa-Hidhma Cikitsitam Adhyayah. This chapter offers with the reason of ‘remedy of dyspnea and hiccup’.

The matters lined on this chapter embrace –

–        Snehana, Svedana – oleation and sudation
–        Vamana – emesis remedy
–        Virechana – purgation remedy
–        Dhumapana – inhalation of smoke
–        Sudation, poultice and ama destroying therapies
–        Combating vata vitiation
–        Therapy of dyspnea and hiccup related to ailments like emaciation and many others
–        Soups in remedy of dyspnea and hiccup
–        Peya (gruels) in remedy of dyspnea and hiccup
–        Dashamuladi Kashayam
–        Weight loss program schedule within the remedy of dyspnea and hiccup
–        Weight loss program inclusions within the remedy of dyspnea and hiccup
–        Dasamuladi Kvatha
–        Pippalyadi Siddha Takra in Svasa
–        Suramanda and different medicines for svasa
–        Treating affiliation of doshas in dyspnea and hiccup
–        Pippalimuladi yoga
–        Jivantyadi Curna
–        Shatyadi Curna
–        Guda Nagara Yoga
–        Nasal drops in dyspnea and hiccup
–        Tejovatyadi Ghrta
–        Varied Ghrta in remedy of hiccup and dyspnea
–        Non medicinal measures in remedy of hiccup and dyspnea
–        Vata assuaging interventions in in remedy of hiccup and dyspnea
–        Brimhana, Shamana and Karshana in remedy of hiccup and dyspnea
–        Therapy of consumption, vomiting and cough in remedy of hiccup and dyspnea

Pledge by the creator(s)

अथातो श्वासहिध्माचिकित्सितं व्याख्यास्याम: व्याख्यास्याम: ।
इति ह स्माहुरात्रेयादयो महर्षय: ।
After having supplied prayers to the God, henceforth we’re going to clarify the chapter pertaining to the reason of ‘remedy of dyspnea and hiccup’. Thus say (pledge) Atreya and different sages.

Sneha Svedana: Oleation and sudation

श्वासहिध्मा यतस्तुल्यहेत्वाद्याः साधनं ततः ।
तुल्यमेव तदार्तं च पूर्वं स्वेदैरुपाचरेत् ॥ १ ॥
स्निग्धैर्लवणतैलाक्तं तैः खेषु ग्रथितः कफः ।
सुलीनोऽपि विलीनोऽस्य कोष्ठं प्राप्तः सुनिर्हरः ॥ २ ॥
स्रोतसां स्यान्मृदुत्वं च मरुतश्चानुलोमता ।
Since dyspnea and hiccup are related of their causes and many others., their therapies are additionally related. Subsequently individuals affected by these two ailments, must be administered sudation remedy first, with unctuous liquids, oils blended with salt, (Abhyanga with heated oils blended with salts) by these (oleation and sudation) the strong kapha although adhering within the channels will get liquefied within the channels, and comes into the alimentary tract to be expelled out simply, the channels turn out to be tender and vata will get its(regular) downward motion.

Vamana: Emesis remedy

स्विन्नं च भोजयेदन्नं स्निग्धमानूपजै रसैः ॥ ३ ॥
दध्युत्तरेण वा दद्यात् ततोऽस्मै वमनं मृदु ।
विशेषात्कासवमथुहृद्ग्रहस्वरसादिने ॥ ४ ॥
पिप्पलीसैन्धवक्षौद्रयुक्तं वाताविरोधि यत् ।
After sudation remedy, the affected person must be made to eat cooked rice, blended with unctuous substances resembling ghee; together with juice (soup) of meat of animals of marshy land with curds, or then a gentle emesis remedy must be given to him, particularly for many who are affected by – cough, vomiting, catching ache within the coronary heart area, and diminution of voice, by utilizing – Piper longum, rock salt, and honey which doesn’t worsen Vata.

Vamana: Emesis remedy

निर्हृते सुखमाप्नोति स कफे दुष्टविग्रहे ॥ ५ ॥
स्रोतःसु च विशुद्धेषु चरत्यविहतोऽनिलः ।
When the kapha will get expelled from the vitiated physique (channels of the lungs particularly) there will probably be nice consolation, when the channels turn out to be clear, Vata begins to maneuver unhindered.

Virechana: Purgation remedy

ध्मानोदावर्ततमके मातुलुङ्गाम्लवेतसैः ॥ ६ ॥
हिङ्गुपीलुविडैर्युक्तमन्नं स्यादनुलोमनम् ।
ससैन्धवं फलाम्लं वा कोष्णं दद्याद्विरेचनम् ॥ ७ ॥
If there’s flatulence, upward motion of Vata, Tamaka (a wide range of dyspnea, Bronchial asthma), and cooked rice blended with Citrus medica, Garcinia pedunculata, Ferula narthex, Salvadora persica, Vida salt, acts as laxative.

By administering – Saindhava blended with any bitter fruit adopted by heat water, purgation must be given.

Virechana: Purgation remedy

एते हि कफसंरुद्धगतिप्राणप्रकोपजाः ।
तस्मात्तन्मार्गशुद्ध्यर्थमूर्ध्वाधः शोधनं हितम् ॥ ८ ॥
उदीर्यते भृशतरं मार्गरोधाद्वहज्जलम् ।
यथा तथानिलस्तस्य मार्गमस्माद्विशोधयेत् ॥ ९ ॥
Since these – (svasa and Hidhma) are born from the obstruction of the passage of Prana vayu by Kapha, it’s helpful to clear the passage by administration of purifactory remedy of each the higher and decrease elements of the physique (Emesis & Purgation). By the obstruction of the passages the inner fluid turns into vastly elevated (and hinder the passage) additionally Vata obstructs the passages. So, therefore its (of Vata) passage even be cleared.

Dhumapana: Inhalation of smoke

अशान्तौ कृतसंशुद्धेर्धूमैर्लीनं मलं हरेत् ।
If by the above remedy the illness doesn’t subside, the Mala (Dosha) which is adhering deep inside, must be eliminated out by inhalation of smoke (of herbs) after purifying the affected person (by emesis and purgation therapies).

Dhumapana: Inhalation of smoke

हरिद्रापत्रमेरण्डमूलं लाक्षां मनःशिलाम् ॥ १० ॥
सदेवदार्वलं मांसीं पिष्ट्वा वर्तिं प्रकल्पयेत् ।
तां घृताक्तां पिबेद्धूमं यवान्वा घृतसंयुतान् ॥ ११ ॥
मधूच्छिष्टं सर्जरसं घृतं वा गुरु वागुरु ।
चन्दनं वा तथा शृङ्गं बालान्वा स्नाव वा गवाम् ॥ १२ ॥
ऋक्षगोधाकुरङ्गैणचर्मशृङ्गखुराणि वा ।
गुग्गुलुं वा मनोह्वां वा शालनिर्यासमेव वा ॥ १३ ॥
शल्लकीं गुग्गुलुं लोहं पद्मकं वा घृताप्लुतम् ।
Leaves of Curcuma longa, root of Ricinus communis, Laccifer lacca, Realgar, Cedrus deodara, yellow orpiment / yellow arsenic, Nardostachys jatamansi are made right into a paste and a wick (resembling a cigar) is ready. It must be lubricated with ghee and smoked; or smoke of Hordeum vulgare blended with ghee; or with bee wax, Vateria indica ghee or smoke of Aquilaria malaccensis or of Santalum album or of horn hair sinews of the cow; or the pores and skin, horn of bear, and hoofs of bear, lizard, antelope, or deer. Or Commiphora mukul, realgar, of resin of Shorea robusta, Boswellia serrata, Commiphora mukul, Aquilaria malaccensis or Prunus cerasoides every one lubricated with ghee.

Sudation, poultice and ama destroying therapies

अवश्यं स्वेदनीयानामस्वेद्यानामपि क्षणम् ॥ १४ ॥
स्वेदयेत्ससिताक्षीरसुखोष्णस्नेहसेचनैः ।
उत्कारिकोपनाहैश्च स्वेदाध्यायोक्तभेषजैः ॥ १५ ॥
उरः कण्ठं च मृदुभिः सामे त्वामविधिं चरेत् ।
Sudation remedy is crucial for many who are match for it for many who are unfit for it, sudation for a brief length must be given both by pouring heat milk blended with sugar, or oil, or by poultice, and heat poultices ready from herbs talked about within the chapter on sudation remedy (chapter 17 sutrasthana) particularly over the chest and throat in a softer method, in case of presence of Ama, remedy to recover from it (resembling Deepana, Pacana and many others) must be accomplished.

Combating vata vitiation

अतियोगोद्धतं वातं दृष्ट्वा पवननाशनैः ॥ १६ ॥
स्निग्धै रसाद्यैर्नात्युष्णैरभ्यङ्गैश्च शमं नयेत् ।
If Vata Dosha is noticed, to have elevated resulting from extra bouts / administration of purifactory therapies, by all Vatahara measures, it must be pacified, by (ingesting) of meat soup blended with fats and anointing the physique with oils which aren’t too sizzling.

Combating vata vitiation

अनुत्क्लिष्टकफास्विन्नदुर्बलानां हि शोधनात् ॥ १७ ॥
वायुर्लब्धास्पदो मर्म संशोष्याशु हरेदसून् ।
कषायलेहस्नेहाद्यैस्तेषां संशमयेदतः ॥ १८ ॥
Vata will get aggravated by purifactory therapies in individuals in whom Kapha has not been excited (barely elevated), who haven’t been administered sudation remedy, and who’re weak. The aggravated vata good points entry to the important organs (the chest /lungs within the current context), causes dryness in it and results in demise rapidly. Therefore it must be mitigated by way of decoctions, confections, oleation remedy and many others.

Therapy of dyspnea and hiccup related to ailments like emaciation and many others.

क्षीणक्षतातिसारासृक्पित्तदाहानुबन्धजान् ।
मधुरस्निग्धशीताद्यैर्हिध्माश्वासानुपाचरेत् ॥ १९ ॥
hidhmā – hiccup, śvāsaan – dyspnea, kṣīṇa kṣata – related to emaciation, harm to chest, atisāra – diarrhea, asṛkpitta dāha anubandhajān – bleeding ailments related to burning sensation, must be handled with herbs and meals which can be candy, unctuous, chilly in efficiency.

Therapy of dyspnea and hiccup related to ailments like emaciation and many others.

कुलत्थ दशमूलानां क्वाथे स्यु: जाङ्गला रसाः ।
Juice and soups of meat of animals of desert-like areas processed within the decoction of kulattha – Dolichos biflorus, daśamūlānāṃ – Dashamula.

Soups in remedy of dyspnea and hiccup

यूषाश्च शिग्रुवार्ताककासघ्नवृषमूलकैः ॥ २० ॥
पल्लवैर्निम्बकुलकबृहतीमातुलुङ्गजैः ।
व्याघ्रीदुरालभाशृङ्गीबिल्वमध्यत्रिकण्टकैः ॥ २१ ॥
सामृताग्निकुलत्थैश्च यूषः स्यात्क्वथितैर्जले ।
तद्वद्रास्नाबृहत्यादिबलामुद्गैः सचित्रकैः ॥ २२ ॥
Soup / gruel ready from śigru – Moringa oleifera, vārtāka – Solanum indicum, kāsaghna – Tephrosia purpurea, vṛṣa – Adhatoda vasica, mūlakaiḥ – Raphanus sativus, tender leaves of nimba – Azadirachta indica, kulaka – Trichosanthes dioica, bṛhatī – Solanum indicum, mātuluṅgajaiḥ – Citrus medica, vyāghrī – Solanum xanthocarpum, durālabhā – Fagonia cretica, śṛṅgī – Pistacia chinensis, bilvamadhya – marrow of Aegle marmelos, trikaṇṭakaiḥ – Tribulus terrestris, sāmṛtā – Tinospora cordifolia, agni – Plumbago zeylanica, kulatthai: ca – Dolichos biflorus, yūṣaḥ syāt – soup is ready kvathitai: jale – by boiling in water, likewise, rāsnā – Pluchea lanceolata, bṛhatī ādi – Solanum indicum and others (harsva Pancamula), balā – Sida cordifolia, mudgaiḥ – Vigna radiata, sa citrakaiḥ – Plumbago zeylanica.

Peya (gruels) in remedy of dyspnea and hiccup

पेया च चित्रकाजाजीशृङ्गीसौवर्चलैः कृता ।
दशमूलेन वा कासश्वासहिध्मारुजापहा ॥ २३ ॥
Skinny gruel ready from citraka – Plumbago zeylanica, ajājī – Cuminum cyminum, śṛṅgī – Pistacia chinensis, sauvarcalaiḥ – black salt, daśamūlena vā – from group of 10 roots rujāpahā – relives the ache (misery) attributable to kāsa – cough, śvāsa – dyspnea, hidhmā – and hiccup.

Dashamuladi Kashayam

दशमूलशठीरास्ना भार्गीबिल्वर्द्धिपौष्करैः ।
कुलीरशृङ्गीचपलातामलक्यमृतौषधैः ॥ २४ ॥
पिबेत्कषायं जीर्णेऽस्मिन्पेयां तैरेव साधिताम् ।

Decoction of daśamūla – group of 10 roots, śaṭhī – Curcuma zedoaria, rāsnā – Pluchea lanceolata, bhārgī – Clerodendrum serratum, bilva – Aegle marmelos, ṛddhi – Habenaria intermidia, pauṣkaraiḥ – Inula racemosa, kulīra śṛṅgī – Pistacia integerrima, capalā – Piper longum, tāmalakī – Phyllanthus fraternus, amṛtauṣadhaiḥ – Tinospora cordifolia and Zingiber officinale must be consumed; After it’s digested skinny gruel must be consumed processed with them solely (the identical herbs).

Weight loss program schedule within the remedy of dyspnea and hiccup

शालिषष्टिकगोधूमयवमुद्गकुलत्थभुक् ॥ २५ ॥
कासहृद्ग्रहपार्श्वार्ति हिध्माश्वासप्रशान्तये ।
सक्तून् वार्काङ्कुरक्षीरभावितानां समाक्षिकान् ॥ २६ ॥
kāsa – The individual struggling with cough, hṛdgraha – catching ache within the coronary heart, pārśvārti – flanks, hidhmā – hiccup, śvāsa – and dyspnea, bhuk – ought to eat meals ready from śāli – rice, ṣaṣṭika – Sastika rice, godhūma – wheat, yava – barley, mudga – inexperienced gram, kulattha – and horse gram. Or the flour of Hordeum vulgare soaked and floor within the milky sap of sprouts of Calotropis gigantea blended with honey must be consumed with decoction of dashamula and many others.

Weight loss program inclusions within the remedy of dyspnea and hiccup

अन्ने च योजयेत् क्षारहिङ्ग्वाज्यविडदाडिमान् ॥ २७ ॥
सपौष्करशठीव्योषमातुलुङ्गाम्लवेतसान् ।
दशमूलस्य वा क्वाथमथवा देवदारुणः ॥ २८ ॥
kṣāra – Alkalies, hiṅgu – Ferula narthex, ājya – ghee, viḍa – Vida salt, dāḍimān – Punica granatum, sa pauṣkara – Inula racemosa, śaṭhī – Curcuma zedoaria, vyoṣa – Piper longum, Piper nigrum and Zingiber officinale, mātuluṅga – Citrus medica, amlavetasān – Garcinia indica, must be included within the weight loss program.

Dashamuladi Kvatha

दशमूलस्य वा क्वाथमथवा देवदारुणः ॥ २८ ॥
पिबेद्वा वारुणीमण्डं हिध्माश्वासी पिपासितः ।
Decoction of daśamūlasya vā – group of 10 roots or devadāruṇaḥ – of Cedrus deodara, vāvāruṇīmaṇḍaṃ – or clear fluid of beer must be consumed by the Sufferers of hidhmā – hiccup, śvāsī – dysponea, pipāsitaḥ – and when they’re thirsty

Pippalyadi Siddha Takra in Shvasa

पिप्पलीपिप्पलीमूलपथ्याजन्तुघ्नचित्रकैः ॥ २९ ॥
कल्कितैर्लेपिते रूढे निःक्षिपेद्घृतभाजने ।
तक्रं मासस्थितं तद्धि दीपनं श्वासकासजित् ॥ ३० ॥
A mud pot smeared inside with ghee is given a layer of coating with the paste of – pippalī – Piper longum, pippalīmūla – Roots of Piper longum, pathyā – Terminalia chebula, jantughna – Embelia ribes, citrakaiḥ – Plumbago zeylanica. After the paste dries up; the pot is crammed with buttermilk and stored undisturbed for a month; that is carminative śvāsa kāsajit – and cures dyspnea and coughs.

Suramanda and different medicines for shvasa

पाठां मधुरसां दारु सरलं च निशि स्थितम् ।
सुरामण्डेऽल्पलवणं पिबेत्प्रसृतसम्मितम् ॥ ३१ ॥
भार्गीशुण्ठ्यौ सुखाम्भोभिः क्षारं वा मरिचान्वितम् ।
स्वक्वाथपिष्टां लुलितां बाष्पिकां पाययेत वा ॥ ३२ ॥
pāṭhāṃ – Cissampelos pareira, madhurasāṃ – Marsdenia tenacissima, dāru – Cedrus deodara, saralaṃ – Pinus roxburghii, surāmaṇḍe ca – are soaked in Scum of beer and stored in a single day; alpa lavaṇaṃ – including little salt, it must be drunk consumed in 1 prasrta amount – 96 ml bhārgī – Clerodendrum serratum, śuṇṭhyau – Zingiber officinale, adopted by (or blended with) ingesting heat water; kṣāraṃ vā – blended with alkali of Hordeum vulgare maricānvitam – and Piper nigrum; or drink bāṣpikāṃ piṣṭāṃ – paste of Ferula jaeschkeana macerated with its personal decoction.

Treating affiliation of doshas in dyspnea and hiccup

स्वरसः सप्तपर्णस्य पुष्पाणां वा शिरीषतः ।
हिध्माश्वासे मधुकणायुक्तः पित्तकफानुगे ॥ ३३ ॥
उत्कारिका तुगाकृष्णामधूलीघृतनागरैः ।
पित्तानुबन्धे योक्तव्या पवने त्वनुबन्धिनि ॥ ३४ ॥
श्वाविच्छशामिषकणाघृतशल्यकशोणितैः ।
सुवर्चलारसव्योषसर्पिर्भिः सहितं पयः ॥ ३५ ॥
अनु शाल्योदनं पेयं वातपित्तानुबन्धिनि ।
चतुर्गुणाम्बुसिद्धं वा छागं सगुडनागरम् ॥ ३६ ॥
Contemporary juice of saptaparṇasya – Alstonia scholaris, or of the flowers of śirīṣataḥ – Albizia lebbeck madhu kaṇā yuktaḥ – blended with honey and Piper longum must be consumed in hidhmā – hiccup and śvāse – dysponea attributable to Pitta adopted (related to) by Kapha; cake ready with tugā – Bamboo manna, kṛṣṇā – Piper longum, madhūlī – Eleusine coracana, ghṛta – ghee, nāgaraiḥ – Zingiber officinale when Pitta is the secondary Dosha; when vata is the secondary Dosha, (Utkarika ready from) the meat of śvāavicchaśa – porcupine and rabbit, kaṇā- Piper longum, ghṛta – ghee, śalyaka śoṇitaiḥ – blood of porcupine, suvarcalā – black salt, meat juice, Piper longum, Piper nigrum and Zingiber officinale, sarpirbhiḥ sahitaṃ – together with ghee, payaḥ – and milk must be drunk after a meal of rice when vata and Pitta are the secondary Doshas chāgaṃ – or goat’s milk boiled with 4 instances amount of water (and decreased to 1 / 4) saguḍa nāgaram – must be consumed blended with jaggery and Zingiber officinale.

Pippalimuladi yoga

पिप्पलीमूलमधुकगुडगोऽश्वशकृद्रसान् ।
हिध्माभिष्यन्दकासघ्नाल्लिह्यान् मधुघृतान्वितान् ॥ ३७ ॥
pippalīmūla – Roots of Piper longum, madhuka – Glycyrrhiza glabra, guḍa – jaggery, juice of recent dung of cow or horse madhu ghṛtānvitān – blended with honey and ghee must be licked, which cures hidhmā – hiccup, abhiṣyanda – conjunctivitis, and kāsaghnāt – cough.

Pippalimuladi yoga

गोगजाश्ववराहोष्ट्रखरमेषाजविड्रसम् ।
समध्वेकैकशो लिह्याद्बहुश्लेष्माथवा पिबेत् ॥ ३८ ॥
चतुष्पाच्चर्मरोमास्थिखुरशृङ्गोद्भवां मषीम् ।
तथैव वाजिगन्धाया लिह्याच्छ्वासी कफोल्बणः ॥ ३९ ॥
शठीपौष्करधात्रीर्वा पौष्करं वा कणान्वितम् ।
गैरिकाञ्जनकृष्णा वा स्वरसं वा कपित्थजम् ॥ ४० ॥
रसेन वा कपित्थस्य धात्रीसैन्धवपिप्पलीः ।
घृतक्षौद्रेण वा पथ्याविडङ्गोषणपिप्पलीः ॥ ४१ ॥
कोललाजामलद्राक्षापिप्पलीनागराणि वा ।
गुडतैलनिशाद्राक्षाकणारास्नोषणानि वा ॥ ४२ ॥
पिबेद्रसाम्बुमद्याम्लैर्लेहौषधरजांसि वा ।
Juice of recent dung of go – cow, gajāśva – elephant, horse, varāhoṣṭra – boar, camel, khara – donkey, meṣāja – ram or goat every one individually blended with honey, must be licked (in small amount) or swallowed when kapha is vastly elevated. shvāsī kapholbaṇaḥ – The affected person of dyspnea who has nice enhance of kapha ought to lick (with honey) maṣīm – the ash / soot of quadruped’s pores and skin, hairs, bones, hoof or horns;equally the ash of vājigandhā – Withania somnifera, the powder of śaṭhī Curcuma zedoaria, pauṣkara – Inula racemosa, dhātrī: – vā Emblica officinalis, pauṣkaraṃ vā – Inula racemosa, kaṇānvitam – Piper longum; gairika – hematite, añjana – Antimony, kṛṣṇā vā – or Piper longum, or recent juice of kapitthajam – Limonia acidissima, dhātrī – or (powder) of Emblica officinalis, saindhava – rock salt, pippalīḥ – Piper longum, or with the juice of kapitthasya – Limonia acidissim, pathyā – or (powder) Terminalia chebula, viḍaṅga – Embelia ribes, ūṣaṇa – Piper nigrum, pippalīḥ – Piper longum, ghṛta – with ghee, kṣaudreṇa vā – and honey, kola – or Ziziphus mauritiana, lājāmala – parched grains, Emblica officinalis (?), drākṣā – Vitis vinifera, pippalī – Piper longum, nāgarāṇi vā – and Zingiber officinale or guḍa jaggery, taila – oil, niśā – Curcuma longa, drākṣā – Vitis vinifera, kaṇā – Piper longum, rāsna – Pluchea lanceolata, ūṣaṇāni vā – and Piper nigrum must be consumed with juice of meat, water, wine, bitter syrups or juices, onfections or powders of herbs.

Jivantyadi Churna

जीवन्तीमुस्तसुरसत्वगेलाद्वयपौष्करम् ॥ ४३ ॥
चण्डातामलकीलोहभार्गीनागरवालकम् ।
कर्कटाख्याशठीकृष्णानागकेसरचोरकम् ॥ ४४ ॥
उपयुक्तं यथाकामं चूर्णं द्विगुणशर्करम् ।
पार्श्वरुग्ज्वरकासघ्नं हिध्माश्वासहरं परम् ॥ ४५ ॥
jīvantī – Leptadenia reticulate, musta – Cyperus rotundus, surasa – Ocimum sanctum, tvak – Cinnamomum zeylanicum, elādvaya – two sorts of Elettria cardamom, pauṣkaram – Inula racemosa, caṇḍā – Macaranga peltata, tāmalakī – Phyllanthus niruri, loha – Aquilaria agallocha, bhārgī – Clerodendrum serratum, nāgara – Zingiber officinale, vālakam – Pavonia odorata, karkaṭākhyā – Pistacia integerrima, śaṭhī – Curcuma zedoaria, kṛṣṇā – Piper longum, nāgakesara – Messua ferrea, corakam – Angelica glauca, are made into good powder and double in amount of sugar is blended, and used as and when desired, it cures ache within the flanks, jvara – fever, kāsaghnaṃ – and cough, hidhmā – and and greatest to alleviate hiccup, śvāsaharaṃ param – and dysponea.

Shatyadi Churna

शठीतामलकीभार्गीचण्डावालकपौष्करम् ।
शर्कराष्टगुणं चूर्णं हिध्माश्वासहरं परम् ॥ ४६ ॥
Powder of śaṭhī – Curcuma zedoaria, tāmalakī – Phyllanthus niruri, bhārgī – Clerodendrum serratum, caṇḍā – Angelica glauca, vālaka – Pavonia odorata, pauṣkaram – Inula racemosa, blended with eight elements of śarkarā – sugar, hidhmā – is better of treatment hiccup, śvāsaharaṃ param – and dysponea.

Guda Nagara Yoga

तुल्यं गुडं नागरं च भक्षयेन्नावयेत वा ।
Equal elements of guḍaṃ – jaggery, nāgaraṃ ca – and Zingiber officinaleshould be consumed (day by day) or used as Nasal drops (for treatment of hiccup and dysponea).

Nasal drops in dyspnea and hiccup

लशुनस्य पलाण्डोर्वा मूलं गृञ्जनकस्य वा ॥ ४७ ॥
चन्दनाद्वा रसं दद्यान्नारीक्षीरेण नावनम् ।
स्तन्येन मक्षिकाविष्ठामलक्तकरसेन वा ॥ ४८ ॥
ससैन्धवं घृताच्छं वा सिद्धं स्तन्येन वा घृतम् ।
कल्कितैर्मधुरद्रव्यैस्तत्पिबेन्नावयेत वा ॥ ४९ ॥
सकृदुष्णं सकृच्छीतं व्यत्यासात् ससितामधु ।
तद्वत्पयस्तथा सिद्धमधोभागौषधैर्घृतम् ॥ ५० ॥
Juice of laśuna – Allium sativum, palāṇḍo: – vā Allium cepa, mūlaṃ gṛñjanakasya vā – or root of Daucas carota, candanāt vā – or Santalum album, nārīkṣīreṇa – blended with breast milk must be put into the nostril; or excreta of honey bee with breast milk āma laktaka rasena vā – or juice Alaktaka (lac) or skinny fluid of ghee blended with Saindhava or medicated ghee ready with the paste of kalkita the paste of herbs of herbs of candy style blended with breast milk must be consumed or used as nasal drops, or honey blended with sugar (could also be instilled into the nostril) alternatively making it heat or chilly, equally the milk, or medicated ghee ready from purgative herbs (to be put into the nostril).

Nasal drops in dyspnea and hiccup

कणासौवर्चलक्षारवयःस्थाहिङ्गुचोरकैः ।
सकायस्थैर्घृतं मस्तुदशमूलरसे पचेत् ॥ ५१ ॥
तत्पिबेज्जीवनीयैर्वा लिह्यात्समधु साधितम् ।
Medicated ghee ready from kaṇā – Piper longum, sauvarcala – sauvchala salt, kṣāra – yavaksara – alkali of Hordeum vulgare, vayaḥsthā – Emblica officinalis, hiṅgu – Ferula narthex, corakaiḥ – medicated ghee ready from Kana (piper longum), sauvarcala (sauvchal salt), Ksara (yavaksara – alkali of Hordeum vulgare), Vayastha (Emblica officinalis), Hingu (Ferula narthex), Coraka (Angelica glauca) sakāyasthai: – and Terminalia chebula(made right into a paste), mastu – mastu, daśamūlarase – and decoction of Dasamula, of that (ghee) ready from herbs of Jivaniya Gana must be consumed blended with honey.

Tejovatyadi Ghrita

तेजोवत्यभया कुष्ठं पिप्पली कटुरोहिणी ॥ ५२ ॥
भूतीकं पौष्करमूलं पलाशश्चित्रक: शटी ।
पटुद्वयं तामलकी जीवन्ती बिल्वपेशिका ॥ ५३ ॥
वचा पत्रं च तालीसं कर्षांशैस्तैर्विपाचयेत् ।
हिङ्गुपादैर्घृतप्रस्थं पीतमाशु निहन्ति तत् ॥ ५४ ॥
शाखानिलार्शो ग्रहणी हिध्माहृत्पार्श्ववेदना: ।
Medicated ghee is ready with decoction of Zanthoxylum alatum, Terminalia chebula, Saussurea lappa, Piper longum, Picrorhiza kurroa, Cymbopogon citrates, Inula racemosa, Butea monosperma, Plumbago zeylanica, Curcuma zedoaria, the 2 forms of salt, Phyllanthus niruri, Leptadenia reticulata, tender fruits of Aegle marmelos, Acorus calamus, Cinnamomum tamala, Abbies webbiana – Each karsha (12 g), one fourth of karsha (3 g), and one Prastha of ghrita (768 g). This recipe when consumed cures rapidly the ailments of vata localized within the extremities, tissues, arśo – hemorrhoids, grahaṇī – problems of the duodenum, hidhmā – hiccup hṛt pārśva vedanā: – and ache within the area of the center and the flanks.

Varied Ghrita in remedy of hiccup and dyspnea

अर्धांशेन पिबेत्सर्पिः क्षारेण पटुनाऽथवा ॥ ५५ ॥
धान्वन्तरं वृषघृतं दाधिकं हपुषादि वा ।
Dhanvatara ghrita (described in prameha cikitha vide chapter 12), vrisha ghrita (described in Rakta-Pitta vide chapter2), Dadhika Ghrta (described in Gulma chapter 14), or Hapushadi Ghrita (described in udara chapter 15), must be consumed (ghee), blended with half its amount of both alkali or salt.

Non medicinal measures in remedy of hiccup and dyspnea

शीताम्बुसेकः सहसा त्रासविक्षेपभीशुचः ॥ ५६ ॥
हर्षेर्ष्योच्छ्वासरोधाश्च हितं कीटैश्च दंशनम् ।
Sudden showering of chilly water, sudden fatigue / worry, shaking of the physique, worry, sorrow and pleasure, jealousy, obstruction to expiration, and stinging by bugs are helpful.

Vata assuaging interventions in in remedy of hiccup and dyspnea

यत्किञ्चित् कफवातघ्नमुष्णं वातानुलोमनम् ॥ ५७ ॥
तत्सेव्यं प्रायशो यच्च सुतरां मारुतापहम् ।
Every other remedy which subdues kapha and Vata, which is sizzling (warmth producing), inflicting downward motion of vata must be adopted particularly these which subdue vata.

Brimhana, Shamana and Karshana in remedy of hiccup and dyspnea

सर्वेषां बृंहणे ह्यल्पः शक्यश्च प्रायशो भवेत् ॥ ५८ ॥
नात्यर्थं शमनेऽपायो भृशोऽशक्यश्च कर्षणे ।
शमनैर्बृंहणैश्चातो भूयिष्ठं तानुपाचरेत् ॥ ५९ ॥
In all of the circumstances of dyspnea and hiccup, this dangers (issues, incurability and many others.) occurring from nourishing remedy are in all probability much less and will probably be simply curable (manageable); that (danger) occurring from palliative remedy can be not very nice, whereas that occurring from debilitating remedy could be very troublesome, (hiccup and dyspnea) must be handled extra with palliative and nourishing therapies.

Therapy of consumption, vomiting and cough in remedy of hiccup and dyspnea

कासश्वासक्षयच्छर्दिहिध्माश्चान्योऽन्यभेषजैः ॥ ५९अब ॥
kāsa – Cough, śvāsa – dyspnea, kṣaya: – consumption, chardi – vomiting, hidhmāśca – and hiccup anyo anya bheṣajaiḥ – will be handled with therapies indicated for each other.

इति श्री वैद्यपति सिंहगुप्तसूनु श्रीमद्वाग्भटविरचितायामष्टाङ्गहृदयसंहितायां चतुर्थे चिकित्सितस्थाने श्वासहिध्माचिकित्सितं नाम चतुर्थोऽध्याय: ॥४॥
Thus, ends the chapter, svasa-hidhma-cikitsa, the fourth in Cikitsa sthana of asthangahrdaya Samhita composed by Srimad Vaghata, son of Vaidyapati Simhagupta.

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