Placing apart the horrible sequel, the ridiculous online game tie-in and the awkward fan conventions, the unique 1980 movie The Blues Brothers remains to be...
Buck Rogers.
The Twenty fifth-century adventurer who first appeared on TV screens in 1979 is Buck Rogers, the titular character of “Buck Rogers within...
Golden Retriever.
Dug, the lovable canine character in Pixar’s 2009 animated movie Up, is portrayed as a Golden Retriever. This breed alternative was deliberate,...
Richard Wagner.
Richard Wagner, the famend German composer, wrote the opera The Flying Dutchman (Der fliegende Holländer), which premiered in 1843. This opera is...
The horror novel subtitled “Or, the Fashionable Prometheus” is “Frankenstein”, written by Mary Shelley and first revealed in 1818. The subtitle is very...