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That means, causes, signs, dosha relation, differential analysis

Article by Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay) & Dr Manasa, B.A.M.S

Kotha is among the three pores and skin manifestations which is defined in the identical context, identical chapter. The opposite two circumstances are shitapitta and udarda. It’s because all three circumstances are virtually alike with some variations within the etiological components, few signs, nature of manifestation and dosha predominance.

The manifestation of those circumstances could also be on the pores and skin however not restricted to the pores and skin. In addition they unfold to the inside tissues.

Associated Studying – Shitapitta
Associated Studying – Udarda

Kotha additionally has its variant and has been named as Utkotha.

Like Shitapitta and Udarda, Kotha can also be attributable to aggravation of tridoshas and tends to infect the pores and skin i.e. manifests as a pores and skin illness, similar to kushta (leprosy, pores and skin ailments).

Etiological Components of Kotha

Like Shitapitta and Udarda, ‘extreme and repeated publicity to chilly breeze’ is a single major and customary etiological issue inflicting kotha too. Other than this we can also discover particular etiological components for kotha being defined within the texts.


Asamyak Vamana Udirna Pitta Shleshma Anna Nigrahai – This must be understood in two other ways (based on Madhukosha commentary of the verse).

  1. Ayoga (insufficient administration) or Mithya Yoga (faulty / improper administration) of Vamana (emesis remedy) will exacerbate (provoke) pitta and kapha doshas. When these doshas that are tending to exit of the physique are withheld by alternative or by the influence of insufficient or improper administration or when the bouts of emesis are forcibly withheld or in any other case the doshas would trigger a illness referred to as as Kotha. Other than this forcibly withholding the anna vega i.e. the urge for stagnant meals to get expelled from the physique (abdomen) i.e. vomiting urge may also trigger kotha.
  2. Insufficient or improper (faulty) administration of emesis remedy would trigger kotha. Additionally forcibly withholding the urges of pitta, kapha and anna (meals) i.e. stopping them from getting expelled even when they’re able to get expelled would trigger kotha.

Right here we have to see that improper or insufficient expulsion of pitta, kapha and anna of their excited / provoked state (able to be expelled) and improper or inadequately administered emesis remedy are the principle causes of Kotha. However we also needs to contemplate the publicity of chilly breeze in these individuals amongst the etiological components (as a result of it’s the frequent explanation for all three circumstances).

Premonitory Signs of Kotha

Premonitory signs of Kotha are just like these of Shitapitta and Udarda (premonitory signs of all these three circumstances are the identical). They’re as enlisted under –

  • extreme thirst,
  • lack of style (tastelessness),
  • nausea,
  • weak point within the physique components,
  • heaviness of the physique, and
  • redness of the eyes

Dosha predominance

Regardless of being attributable to aggravation of all of the three doshas, kotha would have kapha and pitta predominance.

Signs of Kotha

मण्डलानि सकण्डूनि रागवन्ति बहूनि च।
उत्कोठः सानुबन्धश्च कोठ इत्यभिधीयते॥मा.नि.५०/६॥

The illness marked by many round crimson coloured patches related to itching is named Kotha.

Utkotha – A variant of Kotha is named Utkotha.

Distinction between Kotha and Utkotha

सानुबन्ध उत्कोठोऽभिधीयते। सानुबन्धता च पुनः पुनर्भवनेन॥ मा.नि.५०/६, मधुकोश।

Utkothah Sanubandhah Cha – That (kotha) which has anubandha is named Utkotha. Anubandha means ‘that which happens repeatedly, repeatedly’.

This reveals that Utkotha runs an extended course and tends to recur repeatedly.

कोठो निरनुबन्धः। तथा चोक्तं – ’क्षणिकोत्पादविनाशः कोठ इति निगध्यते तज्ञैः’ इति। मा.नि.५०/६, मधुकोश।

Kotho Niranubandhah – Alternatively Kotha is outlined as that which doesn’t have anubandha. Niranubandha means reverse of anubandha (attribute of utkotha) i.e. ‘that which doesn’t happen repeatedly’. Additional, the commentary explains – ‘consultants opine that kotha is a illness which manifests in a second and vanishes in one other second’. This reveals that kotha is a brief scenario which comes and goes in fast time, stays for shorter time interval and doesn’t bother the individual loads.

So, the distinction between kotha and utkotha is that kotha is brief lived and fewer troublesome, a brief scenario, whereas utkotha tends to happen repeatedly, runs an extended course and is extra troublesome.

The signs of utkotha are the identical as these of kotha, however run an extended course.

Kotha v/s Udarda & Shitapitta

These three circumstances i.e. shitapitta, udarda and kotha have small variations regardless of being defined in the same context (chapter).

Associated Studying – Similarities and variations between shitapitta, udarda and kotha

Therapy of Kotha

All three circumstances i.e. shitapitta, udarda and kotha share comparable line of remedy.

Associated Studying – ‘Therapy of Shitapitta, Udarda, Kotha’

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